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T1 prices

Guest Team i2d CorP

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for that price you are going to be able to get a full line.. more like a fractional..  you are going to have to invest in some pretty expensive hardware.. you cant just run out to bestbuy or what ever and get a linksys router..

You also might be interested in checking with your telco company.. i know that SBC and ATT offer ds1 lines...

depends on what you are using the line for.. it is going to be 1.5Mbps up and down..  If you want control of the server then this is the way to go.. however.. if you are just looking to host.. then look for a hosting solution..

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Guest Team i2d CorP

Swimmer thx for the Site but i can only get 144/144 from covad

really sux man i got bellsouth and it isnt good at all on the xbox and now again im having problems with my comcast

i am running a 16 in cs and there are so many lag spikes it probably is the worst isp ever


lol Rafael Palmeiro what a liar

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Guest Team i2d CorP

1. Your own dedicated line and no one is sharing it with you

2.unlimited transfer each month and no capping

3.although the dl is low, it is symmetrical so the upload doesnt effect the download use

4.when sharing if someone on the network is using up all the bandwidth then you run slower

5.t1's are used for hosting and for multiple computers like 100

6.Guarenteed speed

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its shared bandwidth but only within the network your on. No outside factors. if you have 1 computer sitting behind it, you will get a full 1.5Mbps BOTH ways. People don't pay for the speed of the T1, you pay for it because of the stability, the roundtrip times(as said above) and symmetrical service.

Now you ask,  why shouldn't I get a SDSL line like blunted has for a lot less. Reason being: Its still DSL and can have the problems it has. But usually not since its a business line.

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also 1 thing alot of people dont know is a T1 can run on copper lines or fiber which ever is in your area but its most likely 2 pair copper compared to regular dsl which is 1 pair copper and has the same problems as dsl with rain or distance and ping times(latency). 

basically you might see close to the same speeds as some sdsl and T1 but for a nice amount cheaper with sdsl and in some cases you might be able to get 2 1.5/1.5 sdsl lines for the price of a T1 with the same TOS so if it goes down it has to be fixed in the same time as a T1 but cost a bit more.

on dsl reports.com if you look for a T1 and fill out a form someone will call you and tell you about all the T1's in your area and e-mail you with new deals so try that out too.

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If want T1 you are going to pay for it.. most of the time people are not looking at the price when they are looking for that type of connection.. most of the time they are going to be able to recover the cost of the connection in some way or another..

You might want to check out verizon.. they offer a good T1 program..

Bell South currently offers these connections:

BellSouth Business Internet Services also provide the higher speed and flexibility your growing business needs:

    * T1

    * DS3, Fractional DS3

    * OC3, Fractional OC3

    * OC12, Fractional OC12

    * Burstable and Tiered Billing Options

    * Diversity Solutions

So do they not offer these where you live?

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