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Need some advice quick. Cable Guy RTB Troll.

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I am at work and the pcs here run off of a t3 line and use a dell server, we are trying to sign into a netscape email account and it denies us access is this due to the server firewall? Any suggestions. hotmail is a no go to. Any quick answers are appreciated.

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Here's a proxy list:


Can search google for more "proxy list"

If I understood you correctly you are trying to get to an HTTP based email server and for some reason you cannot?

Proxying should work for you, only thing is that you're going to have to muck around with many of these "free proxies" until you find one that works.

When I was down at DELL in Texas for training, they had MSN messenger blocked, which I use to talk to my wife all day when I'm at work...Proxies did the trick. :D

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