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Do you have DirecWay?

I can get downloads at about 20-60 kB/s on Limewire, while when I tried Bittorrent I couldn't get more than 2 kB/s.

never tried bit torrent ith dway,,hit bout same with limewire,other day was actually hitting bout 110 122, only prob there is it never stays strong,,after a while my turbo charge staus fades back to fair or even disconnected and will still be dling about 1-2 kbs never had that prob with dsl or cble

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never tried bit torrent ith dway,,hit bout same with limewire,other day was actually hitting bout 110 122, only prob there is it never stays strong,,after a while my turbo charge staus fades back to fair or even disconnected and will still be dling about 1-2 kbs never had that prob with dsl or cble

:cool: Thats Why I Want Dsl
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