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Quality and performance wise from wut I know they are pretty close to top of the line. They are however very expensive, and I have heard some bad remarks about their customer service. Depends on wut ur looking for. Notebook or desktop. I dont kno how savy u r with computers, but building a computer urself is ALOT less than alienware.

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is alienware a good company for computers

Not as good as you would think.. you are paying for their name at this point.  Dont get me wrong they create a great product.. however, there is faster out there..  Also for some reason everybody that i know who has one has had one or more problems.. one has usb ports that were not grounded correctly leading the connector being blown.. and the other one had serious heat problems.. maybe it was two lemons..

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the best company = yourself, you can build your own computer for far cheaper than the brand name computers, and make it as fast and big as you want to

please show me where i can buy components and software at a price that makes it cheaper than buying a retail box. and if you're gonna include on sale components, the price for the retail boxis also the sale price. good luck.

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Guest kamil234

please show me where i can buy components and software at a price that makes it cheaper than buying a retail box. and if you're gonna include on sale components, the price for the retail boxis also the sale price. good luck.

i didnt mean to include software ;) just the hardware, i meant it in a way..like you buy a pre-build computer, but than you would most likely want to upgrade something because it sucks ex. you get a good computer fast processor great harddrive, sweet price, but the GPU might suck, so you'd have to spend another $300 to upgrade your graphics board, but if you build your own custom computer than you know what you need and you'll buy it right away and you'll have no need to upgrade stuff to play a game 2 weeks later.

but thats just my opinion.

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i didnt mean to include software ;) just the hardware, i meant it in a way..like you buy a pre-build computer, but than you would most likely want to upgrade something because it sucks ex. you get a good computer fast processor great harddrive, sweet price, but the GPU might suck, so you'd have to spend another $300 to upgrade your graphics board, but if you build your own custom computer than you know what you need and you'll buy it right away and you'll have no need to upgrade stuff to play a game 2 weeks later.

thats true but most peolple dont know how to build a computer also if u build ur own computer ur on ur own if u have a problem that u cant fix(no customer support or worranty) but most ppl who build there own computer can fix most problems..............

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mines no pwer hse,, but my friend built mine,, i had an old emachines that wifey flucked up biggie time trying to unplug a freaking screwed in cable,friend took mine i had just bouight a new hd 120 gb and new vid card that wldnt work with the emachine so he took my 512 sdram i already had graph card,2 hd,s and bought me a new 1200 mghz amd processor plus fan from pricewatch.com all together ive only put out 150. more for the processor and fan and install and got 2ice the puter i had,, plus old processor was only a 900 mghz so shopping around you can find great dealz,,like newegg.com,,overstock and soon

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