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I'm a Linux newb, this is actually the first time I've had a Linux box that is pretty stable. Anything I can do to optimize the connection? There isn't really a registry like there is in Windows, only a master database of settings I think....but I don't know alot about *nix.

So...if anyone has any ideas, I'd be interested in trying them, as long as it won't compromise the stability of my system. :lol:

Got this error when I tried posting just now

phpBB : Critical Error

Error clearing sessions table


SQL Error : 1034 Incorrect key file for table: 'phpbb_sessions'. Try to repair it

DELETE FROM phpbb_sessions WHERE session_time < 1099183526 AND session_id <> '878f96c6673ceeb82109d3a193280663'

Line : 290

File : /home/testmyn/public_html/forumz/includes/sessions.php

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Pretty much all of the configuration for connections as far as tweaking goes, is done by a couple of commands that are run once the system is up. Either you can enter in this information every time you boot (good for initial tweaking/testing), or you can put the neccesary commands in your /etc/rc.local file. This is the file that gets executed once the init process is done. You put commands in here just as you would on a command line with commands seperated by being on seperate lines.

One example for tweaking: http://www.dslreports.com/faq/4554

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lol, nope. If I were to do that, I would have written out a longer script. :wink:

Don't use those exact settings. They are for a high latency satellite connection. Just look up what those individual settings are (rwin, MTU, etc) and put in the values that you find from using VanBuren's tweaks. Of course I don't think you will be able to tweak all of those settings that VanBurnen's page tells you to on linux, without some research.

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Try these links about tweaking Linux, i never had a linux system myself but these guys seem to know what they talking about






good luck

VanBuren :)

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