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Reply for TheSavior

Don't worry I have Liberty Cablevision of Puerto Rico and sometimes I have problems in the evening. During the time 5pm to 7pm I am having drops of service and the worst of all is that I call the cable/internet provider and as always they say there is no problem reported to them from my area. They had sent for 2 occasions different technician but no success, so I'm tired of these people telling me the same story. Also my VOIP service incoming calls start to lose packets when the internet is having problem


Reply for TheSavior

Don't worry I have Liberty Cablevision of Puerto Rico and sometimes I have problems in the evening. During the time 5pm to 7pm I am having drops of service and the worst of all is that I call the cable/internet provider and as always they say there is no problem reported to them from my area. They had sent for 2 occasions different technician but no success, so I'm tired of these people telling me the same story. Also my VOIP service incoming calls start to lose packets when the internet is having problem


how do they route you off the island? and more importantly, do they keep you on the island if you access a local site? haven't tested it lately but adelphia/onelink used to route to local sites via miami to dallas back to miami back here.

onelink is far better than the dsl i had here and lots better than d-way. i'd like to see em fix it. but frankly i am surprised they managed to keep it working at all.

I know a lot of people  benefit from p2p because I am one. I wouldn't be so pissed right now if I coudl actually browse webpages, send email without a hassle but guys, you can't even watch pages what the hell? I think after the adelphia to onelink transfer , it started running smoothly but some dumb fuck decided to start blocking p2p and control access, which limits our bandwidth and basically screws everything, not to mention THEIR PROBLEM WITH THE UDP PROTOCOL!!!

I hope they fix this shit soon or else they gonna be hearing complaints from me the whole year.


has anyone tried a tracert to the onlinkpr.com and .net? both hosted stateside. one goes to the sprint the other to the alternet backbone.

one would think that their site would be hosted local on their own net. lolololol

yup.. :) done alredy... while dmaxpr, ayustar, isla, caribe and other puertorican isp websites/mailservers are hosted in pr* ? interesting what this might imply..heh.. anyways, anybody know if onelink plans on offering access to newsgroups? for such a relatively high fee....

its silly to go from san juan to fl to pa*? and some other states to come back to any island site? hah. there is(or was) a project called "Puerto Rico Internet Exchange" specifically aimed to tackled this ridiculous routing problem.. i dont know what happened to it.. it is(was) based out of the Gauss Lab at University of Puerto Rico http://www.ix.pr . And finally.. why don't onelinkpr customers have a page like this? http://www.centennialpr.com/bs/servicelevev.asp or this http://www.innovabycentennial.com/index.jsp  and might i add, centennial's network looks in good shape... then again.. i think they have a considerable hold over puerto rico's internet backbone(s) ... onlink should lease ;)

apparently the techies are planning on permamently blocking p2p and bittorrent. it seems they find it easier to block that and "patch the bandwidth problem" rather than they doing their job instead of hassling the clients with useless restrictions and charging $60/month for web browsing and e-mail only. word on the grapevine is they won't give "credit" (discounts on the monthly bills for those who were affected by the Internet blackouts and internal testing/experimenting) to "abusers" (p2p/bittorrenters) and especially people who complain, who they claim hassle them. They are refusing to give credit to you if you complain? this fascist crap has to stop now! how can we tolerate this crap?

this is awesome. now there is 'word from the grapevine'! lol. yeah, i heard they are permanentely blocking all p2p and torrents. they are going to start lawsuits against the users of that. let's see, what other rumors can i spread to get those filesharing bandwidthwasters to cancel their accounts so the connection flies once they have a new backbone provider from miami, and better routing?

on another note, i have noticed an increase in the number of hops inside the local onelink net before seeing the miami routers. looks like there is indeed some change going on.

I see hop 2,3,4 as onelinkpr hops then it jumps to adelphia 5,6,7,8 .... that means they still have 4 hops with Adelphia and all of them are lagging horribly. Once they remove those adelphia hops and put some onelink and another backbone things should be better.


I'm cancelling the account because I can't play well with this condition. AND when they get better I will get the service again (if they do  :haha:)

oh btw if you have money to waste ... give me some, because even with a uber job this life is hard. ok.

Look this crap:

Tracing route to www.testmy.net []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1    10 ms    11 ms    18 ms  host-70-45-72-1.onelinkpr.net []

  2    22 ms    10 ms    11 ms  host-70-45-94-17.onelinkpr.net []

  3    11 ms    11 ms    14 ms  host-70-45-94-101.onelinkpr.net []

  4    10 ms    9 ms    10 ms  host-70-45-94-101.onelinkpr.net []

  5    65 ms  101 ms    33 ms  host-70-45-94-65.onelinkpr.net []

  6    *      35 ms    33 ms  unk-426d0ef9.adelphiacom.net []

  7  119 ms  120 ms  125 ms  a1-00-00-00.c0.mia95.adelphiacom.net [


  8  1197 ms  131 ms  135 ms  p3-00-01-00.c0.dfw91.adelphiacom.net [


  9    70 ms    69 ms    63 ms  g1-02-03-00.p0.dfw91.adelphiacom.net [


10    *      71 ms    71 ms  eq-dallas-1000M.theplanet.com []

11  177 ms  140 ms    64 ms  vl32.dsr02.dllstx3.theplanet.com []

12    68 ms    69 ms    62 ms  vl42.dsr02.dllstx4.theplanet.com []

13    64 ms    66 ms    64 ms  gi1-0-2.car17.dllstx4.theplanet.com [


14    70 ms    67 ms    69 ms  85.67-18-179.reverse.theplanet.com [


Trace complete.

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