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:D Hi, guys i currently have Biva/Digital Tv One(Broadband Internet Via Air) its good but it aint that good too many connection spikes, I was planning to change to adelphia/onelink but after hearing your comments i was kind of reconsidering, any other great internet service in PR with high speeds(over 512kbts down) or should i still go with adelphia risking having terrible connection speed on peak hours?  :whaa::?::?:
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Well Centennial Instant Internet says up to 2.4 Mbps but normal speeds are between 300 Kbps and 700Kbps.  :?


Onelink says up to 3mbps but I'm only getting 100kb...

Ermm what I mean by this is...I dont trust what they advertise...

I trust what I actually see and test

hmmm i read a few post above about a representative who said about emplyees not having capped speeds and a few other things, wit attitude. So i was thinking. Since my phone has a

"record conversation" feature, I could keep calling until a techie talked to me with attitude and said things like the techie in the the other guy's post did

if you do that you HAVE to inform the other person you are recording the conversation otherwise you could get in problems.

That's right but still you can record him he has to get the call no matter what, the only thing he will be polite but still doesn't resolve the problem with the packet loss or the restriction. I am just waiting till march, if the problem doesn't resolve i will just test with Centennial or Dmax. Onelink just didn't go smoothly in the transition it was really a chaos over the internet connection. The only concern for them is does the customers have a internet connection (YES) so the only concern is we still have connection but if they open the whole darn ports this would be a real chaos just because they are still using adelphias server so they are obligated to restrict ports. SOOOOO I will wait till march final !!!!!!!

well, robocop. since yopu already accused me of flaming i will now address a flame to you. you call me not 100% puerto rican. damned right. and if in your eyes i have to be 100% puerto rican i have to do silly things like protest against the navy (which was one of the few remaining reasons the US has to pump money into this place), put up with laughable utilities and horrible roads, kick and scream when the fbi finally decides to take out a leftwingnut terrorist, try to keep the island a commonwealth to enjoy free shit from the states instead of grabbing the chance and pushing for statehood to get most of the free stuff they already give along with an actual vote in the congress and senate instead of some resident commissioner that can do no more than beg, accept a governor that says that noone in the US is interested in doing something about the status issue (which is major league bullshit, since all the representatives and senators would gladly have a slice of the billions of dollars pumped here every year, so giving the island independence and letting it turn into another banana republic just like so many islands around it appeals to them. the only caveat would be the millions of puerto ricans moving to the states if that happens.), accepting a school system that sucks and doesn't teach english because of some deluded opinion on that destroying the cultural identity etc. etc. etc. then yeah, i'm damned glad not to be 100% puerto rican.

daco is a joke. it is so by law. a car dealer refuses to repair a lemon. he gets fined. he gets fined exactly 50 bucks. i wonder if he gives a shit.

even if daco fines onelink, the cost of the fine as opposed to the cost of doing anything about the reason for the fine beyond what they are already doing is laughable.

the transition was poorly planned and executed badly. like most things here.

i'll just wait till whenever their manana is.

well, robocop. since yopu already accused me of flaming i will now address a flame to you. you call me not 100% puerto rican. damned right. and if in your eyes i have to be 100% puerto rican i have to do silly things like protest against the navy (which was one of the few remaining reasons the US has to pump money into this place), put up with laughable utilities and horrible roads, kick and scream when the fbi finally decides to take out a leftwingnut terrorist, try to keep the island a commonwealth to enjoy free sh*t from the states instead of grabbing the chance and pushing for statehood to get most of the free stuff they already give along with an actual vote in the congress and senate instead of some resident commissioner that can do no more than beg, accept a governor that says that noone in the US is interested in doing something about the status issue (which is major league bullsh*t, since all the representatives and senators would gladly have a slice of the billions of dollars pumped here every year, so giving the island independence and letting it turn into another banana republic just like so many islands around it appeals to them. the only caveat would be the millions of puerto ricans moving to the states if that happens.), accepting a school system that sucks and doesn't teach english because of some deluded opinion on that destroying the cultural identity etc. etc. etc. then yeah, i'm damned glad not to be 100% puerto rican.

daco is a joke. it is so by law. a car dealer refuses to repair a lemon. he gets fined. he gets fined exactly 50 bucks. i wonder if he gives a sh*t.

even if daco fines onelink, the cost of the fine as opposed to the cost of doing anything about the reason for the fine beyond what they are already doing is laughable.

the transition was poorly planned and executed badly. like most things here.

i'll just wait till whenever their manana is.

I agree 100% with this post

well I hate to say this but status in no way affects poor customer service.  I guess that when no one strives to work for improving the service then this is the result. We have to wait until the whole transition is complete and true some more information on this would be appreciated, if you don't think it will then just take another option.  The only people to blame here is management for not pushing their employees to provide excellent customer service.

well, robocop. since yopu already accused me of flaming i will now address a flame to you. you call me not 100% puerto rican. damned right. and if in your eyes i have to be 100% puerto rican i have to do silly things like protest against the navy (which was one of the few remaining reasons the US has to pump money into this place), put up with laughable utilities and horrible roads, kick and scream when the fbi finally decides to take out a leftwingnut terrorist, try to keep the island a commonwealth to enjoy free sh*t from the states instead of grabbing the chance and pushing for statehood to get most of the free stuff they already give along with an actual vote in the congress and senate instead of some resident commissioner that can do no more than beg, accept a governor that says that noone in the US is interested in doing something about the status issue (which is major league bullsh*t, since all the representatives and senators would gladly have a slice of the billions of dollars pumped here every year, so giving the island independence and letting it turn into another banana republic just like so many islands around it appeals to them. the only caveat would be the millions of puerto ricans moving to the states if that happens.), accepting a school system that sucks and doesn't teach english because of some deluded opinion on that destroying the cultural identity etc. etc. etc. then yeah, i'm damned glad not to be 100% puerto rican.

daco is a joke. it is so by law. a car dealer refuses to repair a lemon. he gets fined. he gets fined exactly 50 bucks. i wonder if he gives a sh*t.

even if daco fines onelink, the cost of the fine as opposed to the cost of doing anything about the reason for the fine beyond what they are already doing is laughable.

the transition was poorly planned and executed badly. like most things here.

i'll just wait till whenever their manana is.

wow im burning?

dude, I don't need to do those "silly things" you are saying. I just cancel the account and thats IT. Simple as that. Or if you can dance in front of them ... that will do to.

12:14pm here .... this thing FLIES !!!

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 1530 Kbps about 1.5 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB)

Download Speed is:: 187 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net (server1)

Test Time:: Mon Feb 6 12:14:05 UTC-0400 2006

Bottom Line:: 27X faster than 56K 1MB download in 5.48 sec

Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 69.42 % of your hosts average (onelinkpr.net)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-NFEG8T2HD

well I hate to say this but status in no way affects poor customer service.  I guess that when no one strives to work for improving the service then this is the result. We have to wait until the whole transition is complete and true some more information on this would be appreciated, if you don't think it will then just take another option.  The only people to blame here is management for not pushing their employees to provide excellent customer service.

it's not the fact that management isn't pushing the employees.

i bet the friendliness of the helpdesk has taken a dive because a) everyone is getting the shaft from management because they are not getting the transition done smoothly, in spite of the planning having been apparently a joke and B) they are getting the shaft from the customers because they have to work out how to fix it fast because management dropped the ball. i have been in a position where i had to scramble to unfuck the mess management created and it is not a fun place to be. you are all the company the customer gets to see, so naturally he bitches at you while management complains about the number of problems cropping up.

:roll: so in other words.

He bitches because someone bitches him and others call to bitch him up more. Anyways that's not ethical or business productive if this bitching of techs are true (because I haven't experienced this wen I call). , the manager in charge need to stop this.

(that's real life anyways)

1st March...& I was told that it will take a month (this was abt a month back by Onelink/Adelphia reps). If these people  block ports (bittorrent, LIVE, online video/audio streaming etc.) then why they are selling HSI to us in the 1st place. Dont they think that people are buying into there 50$ subcription for above things only (instead of just browing and checking email faster). Blocking them because of their inefficiency and inabilility only shows how poor management we have now (probably worst then before).

man, there is not even confirmation everything is blocked! I mean you guys are taking it to the extreme, perhaps they did block the connections until everything is set in place and their infrastructure is prepared to sustain the amount of traffic don't you think?  If you have bandwith problems and you have tons of users downloading movies on bittorrent then everyone will get 128 and not even webbrowsing or email will be possible (at a quick enough pace).  Think about it for a moment!

Perhaps the employees are simply saying yes to everything you ask them because they are fed up.  Have you tried emailing the higher ups?


Google out the information ofr their emails I bet they will be easy to find.

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