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Hi, first i want to thank Van Buren and others for the good info on this site, it helped me alot.  :)

But i have a problem, i have tested here before and read all the help stickys...

Umm i had good test results (for my connection) 256k it was hitting 32 easy; nothing worth compairing to some of the other speeds here  :oops: but yesterday my connection backed off so i have been testing again and got :

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 83 Kbps about 0.1 Mbps (tested with 97 kB)

Download Speed is:: 10 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2)

Test Time:: Mon Oct 10 10:02:01 UTC+1300 2005

Bottom Line:: 1X faster than 56K 1MB download in 102.4 sec

Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 10.05 % of your hosts average

OMFG! everytime i see that i nearly switch!  So i have been testing it but it wont come back, i changed alot of my settings for ip etc but no change, i when through most of the help stickys with windows in safe mode scans etc still nothing.  I talked to my ISP and they told me there is no problem with connections ATM :(

I even ran sys restore!

I know you HATE this but i am running my connection through usb because i dont have the right port...even using that method i was still getting results i was happy with.  I dont know what to do, i use online eye to measure speed also... and when streaming music its still hitting near 20KB/s so i do still have some speed there at some times. 

Anyway is there any way i can just get it back to how it was???  I was ashamed to try and compaire my speed to the ones iv seen here but now id be happy to just get my average speed back :(


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Yea i was reading that again... i just realised that i posted this in the wrong place :oops:

No i havnt tried that yet tho, i was hoping fix this problem first, that way i would know that it wasnt something else that cause the problem.  Hmm ill give it a try...

Just had another sys restore :( thats obviously not going to work

Been reinstalling drivers and software also

I cant think of much else except hitting it with a hammer ;) that il fix it ;)

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You can try resetting the TCP/IP stack:


-Click start --> run, type: cmd, click ok

-type: netsh int ip reset resetlog.txt, hit enter

-close the window and restart PC.

I would also suggest checking for spyware and viruses.

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Hey FallowEarth; You might have Stealth power Cycle his modem.Mine simple but give him the order & how long to wait between each part.

Stealth if you have Cablenut I would delete the cablenut tweaks; save to registry;reboot then put in the ccs file for your connection.Also let us know if you were tweaking something before the slowdown.

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Hey FallowEarth; You might have Stealth power Cycle his modem.Mine simple but give him the order & how long to wait between each part.

Stealth if you have Cablenut I would delete the cablenut tweaks; save to registry;reboot then put in the ccs file for your connection.Also let us know if you were tweaking something before the slowdown.

True cholla; the simplest, easiest to overlook answer is often the most correct ;)

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Ok, so shut down your computer, router, and modem.  Then bring up your modem, wait a minute, bring up your router, wait a minute, bring up your computer.  If you're not on a router then skip that step.  This is called powercycling, btw.  Basically, this has now refreshed your connection and closed any backdoor

Stealth :

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Thanks sooooo much guys, you rawk!!!  :haha::twisted:

I just spent the last 1/2 hour on the phone to my ISP.  It appears that its not my system/modem at all!!! But rather a international problem with all NZ isp's.  :lol:

Thay are saying there is some international problem so that explains why i can get local stuff at high speed but not good download speed HERE!!

I feel abit  :oops: about that tho ;):)

Hopefully my speed will come back then i can get to tweaking it :)

Thanks again!

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btw, there's nothing to /hate/ per se about using usb to connect. but if you can hook up your modem via netork cablkes and don't have a network port on the comp, a network card isn't all that expensive and easy to install. that will give you better performance.

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