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Can't Get Sound Working, Device Not Detected.

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It still isn't working. The drivers refuse to install lol. Hey Realtek AC'97 Audio was what I had before the reformat! Hmm, I'll try enabling that thing in the BIOS like you said, but what's the button's for that again? :) BIOS and CMOS are different things right? Aw, I only know how toe nter the CMOS config.

The button varies with different manufacturers. It's most likely F1, F2, del or Esc.

I'm not Transedge either. I only have one account, and it's this one. Yeah I don't think AC'97 is on there. When I reach onboard control is there is only a disable option, and some other option. I set it at the other option and nothing worked. My friend gave me a really old sound card, but it turn's out it doesnt use PCI bus, so I don't know where it goes...

so it's a coincidence that al asks and transedge replies to the proposed fix and then later the same thing in reverse?

stop with all the complaints about multiple accounts.. let the ppl live.. lol :D.. they'll get less posts on the forum that way and would lose more time logging into each account and using it (if there are any ppl that got multiple accounts on this forum) :)

I'm not Transedge either. I only have one account, and it's this one. Yeah I don't think AC'97 is on there. When I reach onboard control is there is only a disable option, and some other option. I set it at the other option and nothing worked. My friend gave me a really old sound card, but it turn's out it doesnt use PCI bus, so I don't know where it goes...

Do you have any motherboard cd's that came with it or anything? Usually sound drivers are there, if the sound is onboard :)

  • 3 months later...

Hello everyone...

I see this is an old post so i will jsut move on in here with a little problem, and i think you can handle it...

ok i reinstaled my win xp all things working except my sound card on board...i did all things here and went all fine BUT i got to one problem when i dl Intel chipset for my mainboard and i dl the AC97 audio controller, and ten when i restart my comp, he found new hardwere and he found drivers i dled ac 97 ... but while instaling when he is done with installing them my comp shut down and restarts, and when i enter win xp again he says found new hardwere and those drivers for it again and i tryed installing it again and STILL he shutsdown when completing the instalation..

dont know whats the problem i hope you will hlp me...

thx bye

Welcome to the forums E$$3nTi4L...

Did you download the right drivers for your motherboard? Double check that you did.

Did a drivers cd come with your computer? If it did, try installing the audio drivers on that.

Hope everything works out!

Hello Jared..

Yes i downloaded right drivers and updated tehm from manufacturer site www.intel.com , and yes i checked meny times on that...

No i havent got the cd with drivers for it (long story) thats why i am dleing them from sites...

And i am sure 100% i downloaded right drivers for my sound card, and my pc found them and while instaling them the comp just shutsdown and reboot by its self , and again and again in circle i can go liek that he always found new hardwere and drivers for it when i start my comp ...so for now i am just clicking canel :(


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