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here is my server if you have ut2004 installed just copy  the following link into start then run and click ok.  ut2004://

TraNsEdgE 01 post your server link here.

if you want to know what this is all about click here and read all the posts http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=9355.0

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i dont have firewall activated.

Your server is pinging 150 and im in Georgia , i say that is real bad for an OC, like Horrible.

like i said before im running this on my bellsouth dsl here in my house. and my brother was downloading on bittorrent. hes finshed now. so it will be faster

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its not in the list you have a firewall or something blocking it someware.

are you shure the ip is correct because i don't even get a reply when i ping it. and when i do a lookup on it, its not even that 128k/128k bellsouth connection its for your 768Kbps upload Comcast connection. try running it on the correct connection.

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Ok it is up , the ip is

same settings and everything Dm server

ok thats better, but the server still does not work i can not connect its in the list but it does not get a reply back when it tryes to ping it.. do this go into your router and put the computer in the DMZ and make shure the windows firewall is off.

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