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pages wont load sometimes freezes pc and freezes aim..

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this may be the router i dont know, but everytime i view "loaded up myspaces";

or download too many songs computer freezes, i know theres a cap on how many songs

you can download on your connection things like that, but myspace always used to load even the biggest of em,

if you can help me out plz let me know.

Do the usual scans for spyware and viruses...clean your cache. Also when downloading alot if your HD is badly fragged it can cause a freeze up. So defrag if you haven't in awhile.

Try these and let us know if it helps :)

Ram: 1.5 gig

CPU : Intel Pent. 4 Ht tech // 3.00

250 gig hdd

5000/356 Roadrunner 4way switch router linksys

windows service pack 2

windows media center

evga 6600 pci-E graphics card...

Limewire Pro [cracked]

Used to download music.


i've never had problem with limewire..i've had it on 5 of my 6 computers... this one seems to have no problem with it, its not the music downloading that gets me

its the myspace's that wont load, plus i never have programs on for hours only aim that doesnt take that much up...i only run about 4 programs max at a time, lol so i dont see why its freezing...

computer keeps freezing im running a wireless connection to another pc, could that be a reason i keep freezing [newb question]

This is a worst case scenario, if your getting into the i-net throught the second pc, it's called a ad hoc network, which requires the other computer to be on and pass everything you want. You're held to that computer's specifications and to Microsofts i-net connection sharing limitations. It's a great "theory" but a pain in the ass to try to make it happen.

Your best bet is to hook your computer directly to the internet, and let the others slave off you through the wireless. Or you could use the wireless router properly, which is to hook the wireless through the modem and then let the all computers connect to the wireless.

computer keeps freezing im running a wireless connection to another pc, could that be a reason i keep freezing [newb question]

I can't say for sure, but I don't think that's your problem.

I think it's Service Pack 2. I've proven this to myself on several occasions. Every time I install it, my connection gets crappy (even with the open connections fix/patch). As soon as I remove it, my connection revives again.

If you're computer savy enough to protect youself with a great firewall/anti-virus combo, and you have a nice spyware blocker, I'd remove SP2. It's seems to be aimed at novice users who can't protect themselves. I don't need someone else to limit the number of connections my system can have open at one time.

SP2 was designed around security, and stopping/limiting file sharing. It's not good for any p2p program.

If you're convinced that SP2 isn't the issue, disregard. :)

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