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Christmas Shopping' (" Happy Holidays ")

When will you start Christmas shopping  

13 members have voted

  1. 1. When will you start Christmas shopping

    • Im starting today
    • Im starting in a week
    • Im starting in a few weeks
    • Im a last minute shopper
    • Im a scrooge' I hate Christmas

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My Wife is almost done with Christmas shopping, she has been shopping for three months now. Everything bought online.

My daughter and I went to Wal-Mart on Black Friday and bought two laptops and a desktop. Not bad huh.

Still have to buy my Wife some thing else. One of the laptops is my Wife's and the other one is my daughters.

only if you do it on a live webcam. and no pansy lethal injection either. full bore blood and guts disembowelment with a kitchen or garage implement with at least a one hp motor.

Um reso.....what the hell are you talking about??    :confused1:

there /was/ a post here by someone that posted an ebaumsworldofstupidjokes pic with the caption stop posting stupid threads or we kill this kitten.

let me see if i can dig it up...

nope, not even in the archive. i admit the post looks weird by itself. maybe the mod that deleted that post could at least confirm it's existence so i don't look more crazy than usual.

just picture a sickeningly cute kitten with the above caption. you get the idea.

I haven't been on testmy that much since i made this thread and i guess i missed that stupid thread joke'  Well i dont think is stupid at all' sure its off  topic and i know it will be moved  but to me its just something else to discuss'  other than computer related or internet speeds. 'lol' 

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