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Singapore scientists embrace plan for cyberhugs

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Singapore scientists embrace plan for cyberhugs

SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Singapore scientists looking for ways to transmit the sense of touch over the Internet have devised a vibration jacket for chickens and are thinking about electronic children's pyjamas for cyberspace hugs.

A wireless jacket for chickens or other pets can be controlled with a computer and gives the animal the feeling of being touched by its owner, researchers at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) told Monday's edition of The Straits Times.

The next step would be to use the same concept to transmit hugs over the Internet, it said.

"These days, parents go on a lot of business trips, but with children, hugging and touching are very important," the paper quoted NTU Associate Professor Adrian David Cheok as saying.

NTU is thinking of a pyjama suit for children, which would use the Internet to adjust changes in pressure and temperature to simulate the feeling of being hugged. Parents wearing a similar suit could be "hugged" back by their children, the paper said.

. . .now I think I know why waterRTBH likes wearing her crotchless chicken suit ~ lol

a vibration jacket for chickens. just what i always wanted. now i can cyber-sodomize my pet chicken without risking the bird flu.

i wonder if their word for chicken translates to some other animal as well. because even in singapore 'chicken' does not sound like the ideal pet, or is it just me?

and electronic pj's? pedophiles the world over rejoice.

is it just me or is the thought of hugging your kid through some electronic body suit just a bit too far out there?

just a little below the waist please... :haha: screw the hugs :evil6:

indeed that's how it would end up, i'm sure - if not how it's actually intended.

what an idiotic premise.  sort of like the sense of smell via PC, didn't they have hype about that at some point in time?

good luck to someone who's gonna try to strap a baby/toddler/young 'un into some contraption for a "hug" from the parent via computer.  STUUUUPID.

why not just let the person doing the strapping in give a nice hug instead.  provided they're allowed.

gawd i can't believe how stupid this is.

give sight to the blind or sound to the deaf or cure cancer/aids, then i'm all for it -- otherwise enough with the money grubbing PC psuedo-technology.

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