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I have moved to Louisiana, out in the country and the only Internet that is available is dial-up. So my question is, Does anyone have any suggestions on who would be the best dial-up provider :?:. I can get bellsouth dial-up, but does anybody know how good that is versus netzero or anyone else :?: I know they're all slow but I'm just looking for the better one. I'm hoping that maybe I can use Cablenut to tweak the connection to make it a bit faster regardless on who I do go with. Any Suggestions would be greatly appreciated.. Thanks Guys :!:

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Netzero claims to be faster and they technically are. What they do is use a proxy server that stores files that they customers access frequently and also compress files. I'd recommend netzero because your browsing speed will most likely be faster because of the compression than if you had bellsouth.

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