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I just setup a new file server (windows 2000 server) for hosting and to backup files on my network. When I'm transferring something from my wired computer to the server I consistently get speeds of 8.8mbps. I've got a 100Mbps network so theoretically I should be able to transfer at about 12. Is 8.8 the best I'm going to get, or can I tweak it and squeeze a little more out?

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I just setup a new file server (windows 2000 server) for hosting and to backup files on my network. When I'm transferring something from my wired computer to the server I consistently get speeds of 8.8Mbps. I've got a 100Mbps network so theoretically I should be able to transfer at about 12. Is 8.8 the best I'm going to get, or can I tweak it and squeeze a little more out?

I believe you have to increase the buffer size, but not sure exactly which one.....Someone will know...

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Never mind I searched lan buffer size I found this https://www.speedguide.net/read_articles.php?id=1607. I follow that guide and see if I can get some better results. Would I do this just on the server or all the computers?

I'm not sure i'm correct, but I think that value is the same as the MaxHashTableSize...But I could be totally wrong..I need someone to confirm or deny this...Vanburen is this true?

I would think think the machine sending the data, would need the larger buffer..But again, I'm not sure..

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Have you looked to see if your network adapter has buffer settings...

If you go to the network icon, right click/properties/configure/advanced, see if you have any settings for 'Number of Receive Buffers', and 'Number of Transmit Buffers'...

Mine is set at 50 by default, I have it set at 60/70 (receive/transmit)...Bascially just screwing around trying to see what works...I'm gonna crank it way up now and see what happens.. :haha:.

See if your nic card has those settings...And if so..Tweak Away!

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Ok so if the server was on a 1000 switch, it could serve 2 100Mbps wired clients and one 54g wireless simultaneously? Thats only 254 and since it would be on gigabit it could handle that right? The limiting thing now becomes the hardrive and cpu not the connection.

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