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Posts posted by resopalrabotnick

  1. for one thing, the intel cpus (core2duo) are to be preferred over an amd, especially for a laptop. less power deman, lower temps and fast as heck.

    for me one big factor in deciding what to buy would be the warranty. dell charges what, 240 or 280 or something for the 3 year you break it we fix it no questions asked? i have heard the anecdote of the guy that launched his laptop out an upper story window and called dell before going down to pick up the pieces and he had a new machine next day. and from what the 3 year plan states that is actually covered as long as they can't prove you did something to it on purpose.

    so i would first of all go out and compare the extended service plans from the vendors you plan to choose the machine from and go from there.

  2. no idea if this will help.

    - close outlook.

    - find the outlook.pst (or however you chose to name the databse. you can look this up in the options)

    - make a backup of the .pst file (you can then copy it back over the live one to save yourself if the next steps don't work)

    - disconnect from the web (so outlook doesn't sync with your mail so you don't lose any mails if you have to go back to the backup)

    - start outlook and export the database to a new outlook database (should be in the file menu)

    - creae a new empty database. remove the old database from the list of databases (database always meaning .pst file...)

    - import data from the database you exported to

    - check to see all the data is there and hope that the problem was database integrity and this fixed it

    bon chance!

  3. sounds like a good offer. too bad the OP already ordered parts and paid more than 500 bucks and doesn't have an OS included. dell usually has the 12 month warranty (that even fixed a lightning strike-fried MB on my stepfather-in-law's comp when he took my advice and didn' mention the lightning strike) and the OS and an M$ works license you can use to buy office for the upgrade price.

  4. Would Office 2000 be compatible with Vista Basic? My wife needs a cheap Computer to leave at her sisters and needs Office.

    siince i can't say definitely from experience i'm gonna have to stick to probably.

    why not upgrade to office 2007? the menu bar takes a little getting used to but the performance improvement especially on a smaller box is amazing. the apps really pop.

    as for biker: looks decent, the pciexpress slot will let you upgrade the onboard graphics nicely and the works 8.0 will let you buy msoffice at upgrade prices.

  5. the issue with english in puerto rico is not only one of americans not being able to speak english, but it seems to me it is a terrible disservice to the kids. i was in the park with my son and there was two about 15 yo girls that were fawning over the little tike. i understood when they said to each other (in spanish) that they should ask if they can go to the swings with him but they didn't know how to ask me (the big gringo looking guy) in english. so here you have two girls that have every possibility to move stateside to live if they so choose except the fact that they don't speak the language.

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