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Posts posted by resopalrabotnick

  1. the problem is that to implement effective birth control you need to educate. only an educated population will use birth control. remember that their tendency or rather tradition to raise large families stems from the fact that the extended family is the only form of retirement planning that is traditionally known. the problem is caused by the introduction of modern medicine in recent years which lowered the death rate of children and raised the overall life expectancy. this rapidly led to overpopulation. in addition to this you have the problem of the vatican sticking their dirty paws in and telling people that prophylactics are evil. or look at effective birth control as practiced in china, which seems rather barbaric to me.

    there is no one simple solution. sadly. :sad:

  2. This fascinating, brilliant 20-minute video narrates the history of the "Amen Break," a six-second drum sample from the b-side of a chart-topping single from 1969. This sample was used extensively in early hiphop and sample-based music, and became the basis for drum-and-bass and jungle music -- a six-second clip that spawned several entire subcultures. Nate Harrison's 2004 video is a meditation on the ownership of culture, the nature of art and creativity, and the history of a remarkable music clip.

  3. if you want to run vista i would recommend buying a big box system. that way you know it has all the drivers (should anyway) and you will save on the license since the oem with the box is cheaper than buying a retail for a homebuild. if you have an xp license lying around and are fine with it then go ahead and homebuild.

  4. while i catch myself occasionally judging an individual by his appearance/demeanor by lumping him into a gruop according to it i try not to judge solely based on people's tans.

    i've seen white bastards and black saints and vice versa. so the color doesn't make a difference.

  5. By Andrew Harding

    BBC News, Beijing 

    There are many thousands of Chinese restaurants around in the UK and everyone has their favourite dish, but only in China itself do chefs specialise in a range of slightly more unusual delicacies.

    The dish in front of me is grey and shiny.

    "Russian dog," says my waitress Nancy.

    "Big dog," I reply.

    "Yes," she says. "Big dog's penis..."

    We are in a cosy restaurant in a dark street in Beijing but my appetite seems to have gone for a stroll outside.

    Nancy has brought out a whole selection of delicacies.

    They are draped awkwardly across a huge platter, with a crocodile carved out of a carrot as the centrepiece.

    Nestling beside the dog's penis are its clammy testicles, and beside that a giant salami-shaped object.

    "Donkey," says Nancy. "Good for the skin..."

    She guides me round the penis platter.

    "Snake. Very potent. They have two penises each."

    I did not know that.

    Deer-blood cocktail

    "Sheep... horse... ox... seal - excellent for the circulation."

    She points to three dark, shrivelled lumps which look like liquorice allsorts - a special treat apparently - reindeer, from Manchuria.

    Government officials... two of them... they're having the penis hotpot


    The Guolizhuang restaurant claims to be China's only speciality penis emporium, and no, it is not a joke.

    The atmosphere is more exotic spa than boozy night-out.

    Nancy describes herself as a nutritionist.

    "We don't call them waiters here. And we don't serve much alcohol," she says. "Only common people come here to get drunk and laugh."

    But she does offer me a deer-blood and vodka cocktail, which I decide to skip.

    Medicinal purposes

    The restaurant's gristly menu was dreamt up by a man called Mr Guo.

    He is 81 now and retired.

    After fleeing China's civil war back in 1949, he moved to Taiwan, and then to Atlanta, Georgia, where he began to look deeper into traditional Chinese medicine, and experiment on the appendages of man's best friend.

    Apparently, they are low in cholesterol and good, not just for boosting the male sex drive, but for treating all sorts of ailments.

    Laughter trickles through the walls of our dining room.

    "Government officials," says Nancy. "Two of them upstairs. They're having the penis hotpot."

    Most of the restaurant's guests are either wealthy businessmen or government bureaucrats who, as Nancy puts it, have been brought here by people who want their help.

    What better way to secure a contract than over a steaming penis fondue.

    Discretion is assured as all the tables are in private rooms.

    The glitziest one has gold dishes.

    "Some like their food served raw," says Nancy, "like sushi. But we can cook it anyway you like."

    Rare order

    "Not long ago, a particularly rich real estate mogul came in with four friends. All men. Women don't come here so often, and they shouldn't eat testicles," says Nancy solemnly.

    The men spent $5,700 (

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