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Everything posted by resopalrabotnick

  1. i wonder if a sat dish is the right way to go for the terrestrial radio connection. you might be better off using a Yagi Type antenna (which you can find all over the place for amateur radio enthusiasts.) while the maximum signal strength with that would be less than what you could do with a dish getting a dish configured and aimed properly is more difficult than the Yagi which has a wider signal club. also one thing to consider is the existence of safeguards in smartbros equipment. if you shoot your uplink at the antenna with a dish you could get a signal far beyond that of the normal signal. if the equipmenthas built in fail safes then it could shut itself down upon being 'spiked', killing your connection entirely. i am not versed in the legal situation in the phillipines but i would think that such an event could land you in pretty hot water if not with the authorites then at least with smartbro.
  2. and that is why the attitude in personal relationships keeps getting worse. if even a former worker at the helpdesk recommends being mean to his former colleagues...
  3. while the MAC is usually hardcoded most devices can be made to use a MAC address of your own choosing. so if you know tha MAC address of a permitted device you can assign that to yourself to confuzzle the router.
  4. justin: it is most definitely not his first bike. from the billboard it's germany and it's a Frankfurt tag. This may well be the first bike he buys (which is why someone would be filming it momma) and if he just got his license that means he has completed the mandatory lessons which include overland, highway and night driving in addition to regular urban traffic and of course preliminary exercises on a parking lot or similar to learn basic bikehandling skills at slow speed. all done while accompanied by the instructor on a 2nd bike or car with radio hookup. so he would have probably 30 or so hours of experience before being able to buy his own and ride off with it. (enough at least to make him not appear like a bloody amateur, at least until he drops his new crotchrocket)
  5. he would be the last to tell him. now he gets to sell him another one...
  6. CA3LE! NO! DON'T DO IT! This guy just steps out of a motorcycle dealership with his brand new bike wearning his brand new helmet and his brand new gear. He hits the gas and makes it about 25 feet before wiping out. http://www.break.com/index/biker-crashes-brand-new-bike.html
  7. ram as a moneymaker is a point. but i don't think it is valid. first of all, the low end cards we are talkin about are in a price range that doesn't have much profit left over. (while the careds may be low end compared to current rigs, they are still fairly complex pieces of kit.) second, video ram (whatever flavor a specific card needs) is some of the most expensive ram you can get. so plopping a bunch of it on an inexpensive card for cosmetic reasons is a waste of profits third, the chipsets that come with that amount of memory were designed for it. so cutting a card from 256 to say 32 megs without sacrificing bandwidth by simply reducing the number of ram chips means replacing say 8 32 meg chips with 8 4 meg chips. while the 4 meg chips may be cheaper than the 32 meg chips (in fact they may be more expensive due to low demand) a minor reduction in component cost and no reduction in complexity lead to a severely hamstrung card. and that just doesn't make sense. that is why i think the manufacturers keep on cranking out the old design with the same specs and sell it for the low price rather than wasting development effort on designing a new card with an old chipset.
  8. you misunderstood. the amount of ram installed on the card has nothing to do with the absolute speed of the GPU. of course larger textures slow down overall processing. The large amount of ram is there because it /can/ be used. it is not stuck on for shits and giggles to make the card 'look' better. it goes without saying that a current generation 256 meg card will run circles around an older one. that does not render the ram useless though.
  9. well, the first one is pci express, so no go, and the second one seems a tad too big for an older system. (big as in so powerful that it would spend half its clock cycles waiting on the rest of the system)
  10. no idea, and i don't read the lingo. you would have to find a local dealer, a local internet shop or a major international distributor and check their prices versus shipping to get the total. as for going to a store, do you have any major electronics stores near you? most will have a selection of older generation cards for older systems.
  11. if the system has an agp he won;t be able to run any of the current games anyhow. so a card that was great a few years ago and now ships for under fifty clams would be well matched to the system. as for the ram on the card: 256 meg or however much on the card is not just to "make it look like it has some processing power." believe it or not the older cards (yes, those before your time) didn't have the 3 THz processors of current rigs but they were the fastest you could get at the time and more than adequate for games that came out at the same time. and the ram was and is actually used, sincethe size of a texture in memory hasnothing to do with the speed of the GPU. hitesh, post your budget and you will likely get a dozen or so opinions on what is the "best" card in that price range. but it should help nonetheless.
  12. look up friends that have a zune and or an ipod and compare them, see if it was what you want. you can read reviews all you want but only actually handling it and fiddling with the thing will tell you if it is what you expect.
  13. well, since you want to sell it you have to ask yourself how much you want to invest. (you are going to getback for the graphics card about 10% of what you aid for it.) (imo selling a used computer is a losing proposition in any case (unless you find a really clueless buyer)) pick a price range and then go to tigerdirect (or wherever you want to buy) and have it show you only cards in your price range.
  14. http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=3281692&CatId=318 http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=2974648&CatId=318 http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=1776106&CatId=318
  15. from what i pieced together from the media outlets is that there was one incident between "fans" that the police wanted to quell. a fan sitting in his car got shot by the police. possibly a warning shot. later games were postponed but still there were riots in the street and one game had to be called off after 10 minutes because the fans stormed the pitch. (that's field to you). the whole thing turned quite ugly. http://news.bbc.co.uk/player/nol/newsid_7080000/newsid_7089800/7089807.stm?
  16. http://www.joecartoon.com/videos/491-leno_interviews_paris
  17. Well, a fan got himself shot in his car (supposedly by a warning shot(how does a warning shot end up killing a bystander?)) as police try to quell a brawl between opposing soccer fans. now there are riots at several games all over italy. the interesting thing is the way the headlines from other news sites carry this: Washington Post Riots Ensue After Soccer Fan Is Killed - 51 mins ago Factually correct and informative Time Soccer Fan Killed, Hundreds Riot - 1 hr ago still factual, "Soccer Fan Killed" is a bit out there. Daily Mail Italian policeman shoots dead Lazio supporter after football fans' clash - 1 hr ago Huh? so was the fan that got shot already dead after a clash? after what clash? the riots or the small initial incident? Factualism sacrificed on the altar of sensationalism. CNN Cop kills soccer fan in 'tragic error' - 1 hr ago "Cop Kills Soccer Fan" and run that blinking in 32 point bold sans serif!!!!! Telegraph Fan killed as football riots sweep Rome - 1 hr ago again, confusing. the fan was killed before the football riots swept rome, not during or afterwards.
  18. I Salute all Veterans that have fought for freedom in conflicts spanning the globe. Something for our US forces A very interesting BBC article about WW I Veterans http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/7084764.stm Some more vids: http://shock.military.com/Shock/videos.do?displayContent=155828&page=1 http://shock.military.com/Shock/videos.do?displayContent=155940&page=1
  19. if you want to learn before building from scratch, get a dell, pay for the three year warranty and you can do whatever the heck you want to it. (just so long as there is no #2 phillips screwdriver rammed through the board when the tech replaces it) it will cost you a bit for the warranty, but the comp itself is cheap and comes with a free Vista and an ms works that makes you eligible to upgrade to the office. (saving more money) but seriously. if you don;t have the skillz needed or know someone that does, then you should probably work on picking them up with a big box vendors system first. if you still want to build it yourself (and do keep in mind while pricing components that the retail boxes usually do come with an OS and offer better service contracts) then you will find plenty of help here on what to combine with what.
  20. well, tim said it. but note the usually. i don't know what the wired infrastrucutre looks like in the phillipines. i am going to go out on a limb and say that it is probably not much better than here in puerto rico. and the wired infrastructure for dsl (the whole phone system in fact) sucks donkey nads. if they base it on cable TV you have a better chance at a good connection. you should still ask around with friens and neighbors to see who has the service and how the uptimes are. (rule of thumb: the cable TV dies, the cable modem is dead as well. although you will see more outahes on the modem than on theTV.) another thing worth trying iscalling their tech support on the graveyard shift (if they have a 24/7/365 hotline that is) and seeing if you get right through to a tech (a good sign, can't be too many problems) or if you end up on terminal hold (bad sign. either they are busy or they just don't care). once you get a hold of a tech talk to him about the technical side of the service. the techs will usually be more forthcoming with info than the salespeople...
  21. source (ed.'s note: sorry for the extensive commentary. but this thing just ticked me off.)
  22. Too Close While filming a documentary, a Spitfire comes a little too close for comfort. Wear Your Armor! So why should you wear body armor in Iraq? For situations such as this one! Tank Launch Watch a tank launch off a dirt ramp and fire its gun in midair. From our submitter: "This clip showcases a tank's mobility and speed, breaking their stereotype as slow, lumbering beasts."
  23. say what? the US would not show off engineering examples? whyever the hell do you think that? besides, the fact that you draw attention to the fact that the JSF is not delivered yet pretty much busts yor argument wide open. how long have the F-35, the F-22, the V-22, the C-17, the Future Combat System, the Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle and the list goes on been shown to the public before they were put into service/more than a CAD? sorry, but if you think the US doesn't publish info on future gear you are mistaken. as for the US using the Brit Lid i wouldn't say no to that so quickly either. since the UK is funding development of the bird and has agreed to buy some (making it cheaper for the US) they also get some parts of it for their own defense industry.
  24. Why destroy a perfectly good dump truck? What is wrong with these people. By the way, no Americans hurt on this day but it was a bad day for the dump truck driver. 50 Ton Explosion 1963 Operation Blowdown was a joint UK-US-Australian operation at Iron Range in northern Queensland, Australia. The test was conducted to simulate the effects of a small nuclear detonation over a rain forest. It involved the detonation of 50 tons of TNT atop a 43 meter tower. Gulf Wars: Episode II.V - Attack of the Boredom Star Wars parody: Two airmen, defiant of their superiors, are forced to do an inventory at the Group's medical warehouse in Al Udeid. There, they uncover a secret weapons project from the first Gulf War consisting of "Lightsabers." A climactic battle ensues between the dirtbag airmen. Halo the Movie from what i know, this is just to show what the movie will really be like. Welcome to the Fleet... A hilarious video of what it's like to be the new guy in the Fleet. From the VFA-192 JOPA. Angry Wasps A fallen rock was blocking a route in Afghanistan and EOD decided to blow it up. A wasp hive was found under the rock and they were not happy! Starship Troopers anyone?
  25. via www.defensetech.org
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