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Everything posted by resopalrabotnick
the way roco is laying on the charm i think you're gonna have to settle for just the corn cob.
referring to the rebates from dodge and chrysler? (come to think of it, same thing?) those /are/ lower 48 offers. the best i've seen here is 10k off a new ford truck.
i /was/ trying to forget them..
i think ms definitely innervates. just look at all the linux and mac fanboys that are constantly badmouthing them. and like a wise man once said: eat more dung. 10 billion flies can't be wrong. but seriously. i don't think microsoft "innovates" as much as a lot of smaller outfits do. this has a few probable reasons. 1. smaller outfits need to get killer new features on the market to even be noticed. that's what drives their sales. 2. to implement a new feature in the portfolio of existing software ms has means that it has to be included into a new version since there is no realistic way of "patching" a new feature into a deployed product. hence new features tend to get lumped together for a while then released with the next generation. since smaller otfits can include them in their stuff sooner it makes ms look "late", and wth is wrong with copying someones good ideas anyhow? ms has the advantage of a huge userbase that will just keep on buying their stuff. if some people migrate to mac or linux, so what? they will be back sooner or later because of some compatibility issue or other.
saw some interesting stuff yesterday. first of all, some dodge dealers are giving 13 grand in rebates on 2k8 rams. 13.000 smackers. insane. just to move the 2k8 models off the lot before the 2k9's hit. then there's a program by chrysler that you can sign up for if you buy a new chrysler by june 2nd. it will lock in a gas price of 2.99 a gallon for 3 YEARS. as for the all-electric vehicles that the treehuggers call zero emissions vehicles... they use only electricity for locomotion. but that electricity comes from somewhere. and odds are it comes from a plant fueled by fossil fuels. granted, that plant will likely be able to produce electricity far more efficiently and cleaner than a car engine would be able to convert gasoline to motive power, but there are still emissions.
i remember something about a tmn chat. way back when. but all you got to see in there was tumblewweds rolling by to the sound of crickets...
why, gas of course, roco! and the correct term for petrol is gasoline, gas is simply a colloquial term. once they start doing lng conversions on cars here we WILL have a problem though. lol
puerto rico uses liters for gas, us meaurements for most other things, km for distance on roads and miles for speed limits.
just for clarification, how many liters does your "gallon" have? you use the larger imperial ones, no?
well, there you go. i'm sure you've noticed that whenever roco or me pop into a thread its days on topic are numbered. same goes for shuggy. tommie is just a spammer.
not if we get em first! and with things as they stand i was only pointing out the only real alternative besides finally getting some alternate source of energy going to get back to cheap fuel. i personally have nothing against russians and chinese (i would have used it by now, trust me!) and it was only meant as an example of how bad things really are.
yo uhave d8iscovered a time honored tradition on tmn. any thread will be derailed as soon as possible. off topic content will replace on-topic discussion almost instantly. the amazing thing is that in spite of this people still find the time to actually answer the questions asked. have a good one...
thong commando if it's too hot
it is an issue of supply and demand. cut back the demand and the price will drop. so we go and nuke china and india, the two biggest consumers, back into the stoneage and enjoy low gas prices again.
thanksa a lot. haven't tried any of that though. the connection is ok, was just wondering if it could be better. and those instructions look like it's too easy to break something to be worth risking at this point in time.
is there anything i can do to tweak an evdo copnnection on xp?
Most Pirated Software on the Internet!
resopalrabotnick replied to coolbuster2007's topic in General Discussion
care to elaborate? -
well, for the contamination part i have to say that water is a solvent. (the most common one, in fact) and so over a given time period distilled water will dissolve some of the materials immersed in it. (some better than others)
Most Pirated Software on the Internet!
resopalrabotnick replied to coolbuster2007's topic in General Discussion
the sad thing is that it really is not a laughing matter. to be honest it is not so much the act of stealing that bothers me about piracy. it is more the nonchalance if not sense of entitlement with which it is done. go out in the street and ask a car thief wether or not he has a right to he car he is ripping off. he will likely say n o. he will explain it by having to feed his family, his drug addiction or simply because it is easier than getting a real job. ask a software/audio/video pirate and the odds are good that you will hear something along the lines of:"i am entitled to this, the record companies/labels/studios are stealing from us. information should be free. noone should be forced to pay for xxx. (no, get your mind out of the gutter. not porn. just item x.) if you want free software, fine. go and grab yourself a linux or freebsd or whatever. but if you want software that people are getting paid to create, market and maintain then pony up the cash. sorry about getting into this rant. again. but this isn't communism, it is capitlism. there are rules you have to play by for the system to work. and there is no such thing as a free ride. as for the rate of theft roco quoted, i believe it. i worked in the fairly well observable computer department of a circuit city type store and we had everything of any value at all locked away or heavily outfitted with anti-theft devices. we still had a 1.5 percent rate of attrition for the department. -
so if the thing overheats or gets a short the thing goes up in flames? but seriously. one caveat with this method of cooling is that over time the oil can creep between the surfaces of connectors and, being non-conductive, disconnect components from one another.
Most Pirated Software on the Internet!
resopalrabotnick replied to coolbuster2007's topic in General Discussion
i hear ya. -
leaked official RIAA training video
resopalrabotnick replied to tommie gorman's topic in General Discussion
now that i resent. if you call me a snitch simply because i am sick and tired of seeing these people openly breaking the law and causing me financial damage (the labels charge more for their products citing the high incidence of pirating) then i feel sorry for you. -
leaked official RIAA training video
resopalrabotnick replied to tommie gorman's topic in General Discussion
it is a sad fact that there is little to no acknoledgement of wrongdoing when people buy pirated disks or download off the web. they say they are just hirting the evil riaa/mpaa/whomever suits them. if you break the copyright rules you are hurting the artists or programmers. i grant you that the record companies pocket most of the cash, but that is an issue the artists that sign the contracts that let them do so have to deal with. if the works are ripped off however, the artist/programmer gets no money at all. now, would you rather have a little money or none at all? at the local fleamarkets there are usually tables of cd's/dvd's with ripped albums/movies/screeners and usually several places that sell ripped games. sometiumes they will set up a table of disks right by the side of the road, advertising 1 dvd 5$, 5 for 20. the copsa ignore it. it being a federal crime, i have called the FBI on multiple occasions reporting the location of these stands. ik was told that there was nothing they could do. if they went out to arrest them the DA wouldn't want to prosecute them. they said the only thing that would do any good is if i could tip them off to one of the manufacturers of the copies. i was told to contact customs as they were setting up a taskforce o go after these people and they might have the manpower to do something. so i call into the fbi reporting a federal crime, all they would have o do is drive up and collect these guys and they say they can't do it because the DA is too lazy? wtf is up with that? the law should be the law, no matter what. if the record compoanies/movie studios/software houses screw the artists/workers/programmers, fine, they can organize themselves and do something like the writers strike. but don't use the "evil" riaa/mpaa/bsa as an excuse to commit a crime. that is so pathetically childish, -
installed it. regretted it. munches resources like nothing i've seen since. uninstall? don't make me laugh. some versions have a special uninstaller you can d/l from the site. but even tat leaves leftovers. sheesh.
The forum rules need to be reiterated due to recent events:
resopalrabotnick replied to water's topic in General Discussion
mh. i hate it when i find posts like these after coming back after a hiatus. they just rub in the fact that i missed a good fight. i would like to propose an opt-in mailing list that announces the start of a flame war to all interested parties. just to make sure that everyone that that likes to get their licks in on a good flame war shows up fr the party. (and maybe make all pms made by the involved parties public? mght make for good reading) and if you don't agree, well bite me. i AM a troll.