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Everything posted by resopalrabotnick

  1. can someone explain to me this weird use of the term gay? if this is comcast being merry or frivolous i would think it is a good thing. but you seem to use it in a negative context. does it upset you when people are happy?
  2. are you saying you don't monitor the site 24/7/365? if you have a 2nd server somewhere you could have the tmn server send a heartbeat there and have the 2nd server alert you as soon as it stops. or use a machine that's always on for that. bandwidth shouldn't be too bad. have the server check itself every 5 minutes orthereabouts and then send an "i'm alive" to the monitoring machine. if it misses its checkin time the monitor starts freaking out...
  3. see below for UK chooses 'most ludicrous laws'
  4. i can't say i know anything much about the smartbro setup, but if you post this question in the smartbro tweaking thread i think someone will be able to help quickly. (plus they would all be locals so you could arrange a quick phone call to walk you through the steps)
  5. as reported in another thread there appear to be some issues with linksys routers and vista. from the description of the problem it seems that as in the other case either the DHCP server on the router or vista are having trouble reestablishing the lease for an assigned dynamic IP. the established workaround seems to be to assign a static IP to the computer thereby circumventing any DHCP issues altogether.
  6. These British troops along with the BBC crew are amazingly calm under fire. The reporter manages to stay objective while being shot at. The segment about their casualties is also food for thought. Sadly i believe if this were a US mainstream media crew it would turn into one of those sensationalists reports that has only one goal: ratings. see video here edit: title and url
  7. heh. now there i can say there isn't one. i couldn't find the camera.
  8. once a week sounds like an issue with the lease for the ip not being renewed properly by the DHCP.
  9. sounds like you also know the scenario. if you find out you still have warranty and the repair is covered it might be worth investing into the appropriately colored nailpolish to conceal the marks roco mentioned. it even comes with a brush that's great to apply a thin, conceiling coat...
  10. if yo still have warranty, put it back together in the way that best hides the fact that you had it apart, do not tell hp about the fact tat you did things to it and contact them for warranty service. you might be lucky and get it fixed for free.
  11. well, my first call would be to hp, or an email to their tech spport even, ideally with a few pics to make clear what your problem is. they should be able to give you a good idea how much in parts you would have to invest and how to do the work. if by top cover you mean the lid, hence the back of the screen, you will likely have to replace that and move all the screen components from the old to the new. could get a bit tricky.
  12. then how about instead of swapping keyboards you simply buy cheapy keyboards of the same brand when the keys are too worn down to read and replace the keys in question? or grab a sharpie and redo the keys? edit: regularly coating the keys with clear nailpolish or clearcoat will also help prevent wear. just replace the clearcoat when it wears thin.
  13. hey, don't knock it. those saturday night specials work just as well as the more expensive ones. (they might not have that perfect keystroke/pressure point/feel you're looking for, but hey, 5 bucks.) the added advantage is that if you spill your drink in a 5 buck keyboard, who cares. buy a spare, that makes your keyboard spillproof for only 5 bucks. (this post written on a 3.5 year old MS intellitype 25 dollar noard.)
  14. oh, i forgot. vacuum out the ps to remove metal filings after it blows. and it's not my technique. it's the BOFH's
  15. don't you just love those "support" chatbots?
  16. this is not safe advice. do this at your own risk. this is from the school of the BOFH. don't consider this sound advice. but if the power supply is still under warranty, you have some options. the first would be to disconnect it from all the devices in the comp (wouldn't want to harm anything else now, would we?) including the board and case. everything. take the 2 wires that go to the switch of the power supply these control the on off for an atx ps. short them to power on. turn it on and off until it blows. fast. repeatedly. if that doesn't work, get yourself some fine metal filings and turn the ps on, then sprinkle them into the back of the power supply. it should fail rather quickly. now hook everything back up, close the case and make the warranty claim.
  17. http://www.cbsnews.com/sections/i_video/main500251.shtml?id=2135920n
  18. have you looked at the new asusboard that is coming out? support for all the latest intel multicore stuff, tons of peripherals, iirc 2xLAN and a smalllinux in the bios. so instead of booting to your full os install you can have it boot to a linux in a few seconds, that gives you skype and a browser. and since it resides in bios the best thing is if you bork your main os you can still get online.
  19. http://www.break.com/index/audio-halloween-illussion.html
  20. that's what i was thinking. after physical damage to both socket and cpu... dead. throw in a new board and cpu and you should be ok.
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