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Everything posted by DJVageli

  1. .. Download Stats .. Connection is 3173 Kbps about 3.2 Mbps (tested with 2304 KB) Download Speed is 387 KB/s Tested From http//www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line 57 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 2.65 second(s) Validation Link http//testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=M06QLOLMJ Best ever to your site D
  2. LOL, be patient, its only for alittle while anyway,in 3 weeks u should be at 5Mbps like me and then u can really say yay lol
  3. How fast are u now? And u know speeding is against the law haha haha Just kidding
  4. You know how those cable companies are,they just like to tease everyone for a little while before they actually do it lol
  5. Yeah, thank u, those are sick speeds D
  6. Yup the 8000/512 is the new upgrade for the premium Roadrunner had, it used to be 6000/512, since im with Earthlink i only get the 5000/384 upgrade which is way better than what I had before D Plus I spoke to an Earthlink staff member and he said Earthlink is going to have a premium plan as well by January-February
  7. Yea its official now, Time Warner has upgraded to 5000/384 and its premium for Roadrunner to 8000/512) I have Earthlink and since im under TW i got the increase also http//www.forbes.com/business/feeds/ap/2004/12/14/ap1712018.html
  8. .. Download Stats .. Connection is 5229 Kbps about 5.2 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB) Download Speed is 638 KB/s Tested From http//www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line 93 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 1.61 second(s) Validation Link http//testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=9MVYW5WFM
  9. ANd by the way did u back up your registry before u copied your friends, because if u didnt and your settings screw up, then ur in big trouble, my friend experienced this problem, and it was real horrible
  10. Yea thats what im waiting for too, but I dont know how long it will take for it to come to my area, the technician said February the earliest, but who knows. The bottom line is that FIOS would blow out Time Warner's internet, unless they upgrade again lol
  11. True very true D D , its just that with technology these days, anything can happen lol.But that said its true nothing is faster than light
  12. That would make sense, but when I spoke to Time Warner yesterday they told me the upgrade is for Roadrunner customers only so far, and that if I wanted a speed increase I should switch to Roadrunner, what crap x
  13. Its $85 alone, but if u get it with cable tv it drops to like $63.Im thinking about it but im waiting to see if my service gets upgraded to 5Mbps.Also when that happens the premium will go up to 7-10Mbps they said,but thats unofficial.
  14. Yea but I dont know if Earthlink customers will, eventhough im under Time Warner
  15. I have no idea, I thought u made it lol, by the way how can I have a signature too?
  16. Well since were talking about harassing people that work in the support part of a comapnay(not literally harassing) but u get the point, yeasterday I had fun being demanding and rude to my ISP's customer support group and to Time Warner, it was fun, especially when they didnt know what i was talking about. Guess what Time Warner had no idea that they had upgraded their package to 5Mbps lol Can u believe that?
  17. Do u guys think cable companies will offer fiber, or do u think only the telephone companies will. Maybe cable might come out with some other technology better than fiber, who knows wink
  18. Hey isn't Zepherhills that place in central florida where Florida's natural water comes from? D
  19. Yea, and I spoke to Earthlink twice today and Time Warner once, and they had no idea what I was talking about, couldnt help me and the guys at Time Warner didnt even know they upgraded lol lol What idiots
  20. Well like the article said thats another 5 years away, so anything is possible D
  21. Well all I know is that if u run anything through your usb thats internet related, its much slower than if it were from an ethernet port
  22. From what I heard not really, and those small tweaks dont really make a difference
  23. LOL, I have no idea what to do now, im so pissed and I just cant believe this happened to me, especially since Time Warner announced they upgraded to 5Mbps in NY and LA two days ago ?
  24. Aww man, my brother power cycled the modem so he can set up his XBOX live account and my speeds are back to 2.8 Mbps x cry x cry
  25. Second settings ( .. Download Stats .. Connection is 4902 Kbps about 4.9 Mbps (tested with 12160 KB) Download Speed is 598 KB/s Tested From http//www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line 88 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 1.71 second(s) Validation Link http//testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=3PET0AOPQ I guess Ill stick with the first settings, but the browsing seems slow with it ?
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