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Everything posted by DJVageli

  1. Nooooooooooo
  2. This topic has been moved to Politics & More. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=24470.0[/iurl]
  3. Ok for the first part. To view hidden files on your PC..open up any of your folders..for example "My Documents. Then click on Tools --> Folder Options --> View --> Show Hidden Files and Folders. Now the best way to remove any malware/virus,etc...is to reboot your machine and go into Safe Mode..and from there run your anti-virus
  4. :haha: can you say random?
  5. Happy birthday to the both of you......have lots of fun :wink: ..................................
  6. And mine was simple but great!!! :grin2: All that counts is that I had a great time
  7. Thanks everyone!!!!!!!!! :icon_jokercolor: :icon_thumleft: :icon_thumright: :occasion14:
  8. :haha: Non the less..great job on it..even with that damn pen too
  9. Did you get the idea from that Coldplay Apple commercial?
  10. Nice!!! You got that from deviant art? :grin2:
  11. I will do this after this problem gets resolved..thank you..I didn't know that existed
  12. Ok will do...thanks everyone
  13. As Im typing,the laptop reboot by itself..and now on the bottom right hand write Evaluation version By the way..under system properties it says its activated still and shows its Vista version 6001 service pack 1
  14. Why would they sell a laptop like that So now this means I have to go buy the full version?
  15. Hey guys I need help with something.Well the thing is I have a laptop that I got back in December, a Toshiba that came pre-installed with Vista Home Premium. It has been activated since day 1 that I set it up but the problem is that the past few days I have got a message that pops up stating that I should back up all my files and install Vista on it because the license will expire.Is that possible? It never came with a Vista cd and now I don't know what to do. I have another 3 hours left it says. I will backup now..but I don't know what will happen after.
  16. Ohh then I shouldn't complain about the weather :evil6: its not as bad as yours As for the trash can/bin whatever we want to call it..I was thinking about it..but then couldn't access ccleaner..and as for the docks.. yea I dont even know how Im putting up with that Sure looks like it :smiley:
  17. What else is new with this weather :haha: Rain and high temperatures As for the recycling bin..I just feel over there it takes up less "visual" space
  18. And here is mine :smiley:
  19. I dont know about that :undecided:
  20. I am really liking the low memory use with FF3..one of the most annoying things with FF2 was basically that..memory..always felt like every second it was eating up more and more and more.....even more then I eat myself
  21. Kind of makes me want to get an iphone...kind of...but...looks really really nice.Great job speaking of getting one..my friend has one and she showed it to me yesterday..I have to say..not bad
  22. What phone do you have?..and do you use the software that comes with your phone? I usually just use any audio editing program to create the ringtone and then either transfer it directly through the phones external memory or through usb cable...so basically I bypass any software
  23. Well this is the first one that came to my mind ..Xingtone http://xingtone.com/affiliate/index.html
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