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Everything posted by DJVageli

  1. weird
  2. Im not too sure...have you checked it the vents and fans are clean? Maybe they have collected too much dust and it cant start due to overheating Anyway Im not too sure...why dont you post what model laptop you have and maybe someone here might be able to help or maybe even had the same problem
  3. :haha: :haha:
  4. Thx lol....its probably a once in a blue moon type of thing
  5. Well subject pretty much says it Cant get any closer on a 10/512 than this...unless you get exactly 10Mbps lol
  6. Tried it out...seems somewhat fast and somewhat not...not too pleased by it and it certainly doesn't look like anything special...but its still a beta...and has potential....so ill give it that
  7. :shocked: :haha:
  8. :haha:
  9. Yea..this thread was weird to begin with...now it has really gotten WEIRD
  10. Hope this here helps you http://faq.arstechnica.com/link.php?i=1820
  11. Congrats man!!!
  12. I know :haha: I feel the same way
  13. Isn't there another topic just like this one?
  14. Ok..and if you have nvidia monitor..check to see what its showing you...if you see high temperatures...lots of red in the voltages...and you dont have sufficient cooling then you can try to see if you can compromise with your computer haha...just like me..I had this happen..but that was me being stupid with the voltages
  15. Sounds more like something is overheating...probably cpu..or voltages are too high..but im thinking its the cpu Im not 100% sure..but thats my take on the situation
  16. Welcome to testmy.net travis First off..if you can just tell us who your provider is and are you on cable,dsl,etc And what is your advertised speed,we will be more than happy to try and help you achieve a higher speed Also have you checked out the info here? http://www.testmy.net/t-2097
  17. Heres my living room setup...its very simple And yes...Shrek happens to be on the TV lol
  18. Or did some kind of magnet pass by the monitor?
  19. That takes some amazing skill...nice video Tommie
  20. :haha: Yea...he's the goalie that won it for them last year...and the goalie for my local team the NY Rangers Ohh yea..I heard something about that
  21. Sweden still has Lundqvist right?
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