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Everything posted by DJVageli

  1. :haha: Nice!!!.....well from actually witnessing its power..its worth it :haha:
  2. Zalman 9700? If so...I think the only difference from our setups will be the Graphics card...and the processor speed
  3. Like Im doing right now :haha: (without the fat part)
  4. Nice..was it easy to OC...and how is the performance of your setup in general? since mine will be very very similar
  5. Nice...how did you do it? I will like to OC as well once I set it up
  6. Yea thats true...I'll remember that
  7. Im really hoping I dont have more problems than positives with this new setup
  8. :icon_pale: I sure hope thats not the case with mine I don't know where they sell 25cm fans
  9. LOL Yea I was kind of hesitant to buy the 8800 since I dont game too much...(work) but my brother said just buy it lol....he wanted me to get the GTX...but Ill be fine with this.Hopefully it does work....even though I dont know if my house can support it...in my room alone..I think about 1400-1500 watts are being used..1100 alone from my brothers PSU
  10. Yea...not only that...I hear all the switching and moving around...not only wears it out...but it kind of stays on the cpu area...and if you use a chem pad....that will clean it out
  11. Yup...I have arctic silver...but one of these coolers is coming with its own as well
  12. Thanks!! I will definitely post some more pics and temps...I ended up buying another air cooler..because the one I first bought....I heard it weighs a lot...its not as stable in it..and that it usually falls off....so I definitely don't want that happening So I bought this instead ZALMAN 9700 LED 110mm 2 Ball CPU Cooler http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16835118019
  13. Yea..thats what I said when I took it out I guess it lives up to its name as the A380....just like the airbus
  14. Well here are some pictures of the case...this will show you how huge it is...especially the fans.Im waiting for the rest of the hardware tomorrow..can't wait Last picture shows you its size next to a huge air can
  15. Nope....doesnt seem like you forgot anything...and thats a pretty nice setup...Im waiting for the rest of my parts tomorrow..and I will finish my build....I think the e6600 is going to be great
  16. I have to wait until Tuesday But I will add my results as well
  17. Yes it is...heres your processor...and look at its specs http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16819116198 Tech Spec Core Prescott Multi-Core Single-Core Name Pentium 4 630 Operating Frequency 3.0GHz FSB 800MHz L1 Cache 12KB+16KB L2 Cache 2MB Manufacturing Tech 90 nm Vista Ready Yes 64 bit Support Yes Hyper-Threading Support Yes Virtualization Technology Support No Multimedia Instruction MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3 Voltage 1.25-1.388V Cooling Device Heatsink and Fan included
  18. LOL At least you attempted to help...thats what counts
  19. The one Im currently on is 64-bit
  20. Yea your right....and if thats the case...and me always leaving my PCs on..it will put this to the test
  21. I just checked it out...pretty good site as well....nice prices on everything I was checking on
  22. My friend always recommends Asus boards as well, I was going by the reviews on newegg and most asus boards in the range I was willing to pay were horrible...but the 200+ range was better
  23. SInce the case is supposedly huge...will that help eliminate those hot pockets? Yea...my brother has one of the 680i ones....dont know which one exactly since there are a few out there...and he did have some problems with it at first..so I was weary on that...but I was figuring it has good specs and I can get support for both the board and gpu from the same place if anything. Thanks!! I tried not to spend too much but at the same time attempt to get as much out of it as possible. I'll probably OC right away just to see if I notice anything BTW...thanks for everyones input!!
  24. How come? Size wise?
  25. Yup!! Thats what caught my eye...and their potential to light up my whole room
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