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Everything posted by DJVageli

  1. I like it already ps..im typing this message from it
  2. Im downloading it now and am going to give it a try
  3. Im using the NY Rangers website as my home page
  4. Nice one :haha:
  5. :haha: Ok ok I clicked....and WOW
  6. He sounds like he has memory lapse He repeats himself in the end
  7. Huh?? what did I do??
  8. I was going to comment on that as well but was too -->
  9. :lost: Im lost
  10. WOW ....just..wow...
  11. They do????
  12. Ok so cache is in the same place Tools-->Clear Private Data--> and you select it from there
  13. What browser are you using?
  14. And how did you fix it?
  15. Did you try the thing that I thought solved it which was basically cleaning everything...cache,cookies,etc??
  16. Well I remember for google the way I fixed it was by just typing google.us on the url bar and then set it as my home page. Now Im trying to recall how I got rid of those ads on myspace...which annoyed the hell out of me
  17. Hmmm..if I had an internet plan I would definitely switch then to either one of them..but I guess for now I would have to make due (besides video is not important..just cool) :haha: What's your overall opinion on AT&T?
  18. Hahaha :haha: Seems like their thinking is wacked Ahhh..I didnt know that...I have the phone..just I use t-mobile and that feature can't work..do you know if they are planning to go to 3G?
  19. Its about time the U.S. gets with the program and starts offering 3G...when I was in Greece I was able to make video calls over there on my phone...over here..can't
  20. Since your behind a router..if you have other computers..log into your router..and change the mac address to one of your other computers...save the settings...power cycle both router and modem and you should have a new IP
  21. Ahhhh is it the one thats also a VOIP modem? for your phone? edit: well I assume you have the Arris internet/voip modem for time warner cable Anyway back on subject...you want to renew as in get a new IP address? and are you behind a router?
  22. I know Time Warner usually now provides RCA Modems..the dcm245 model Is it this one?
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