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Everything posted by moonlord

  1. lol i dont know.. and dont make fun of it lmfao at least i got more bandwidth than you haha
  2. whats that suppose to mean?
  3. still dont matter we should all have lover for one another
  4. yea i know thats why i started the topic because of the trials in the uk
  5. mm no cobra it says it can service one the size of texas look on the site you see pictures of the blimp
  6. i have my mirror removed after 1 day of me forgetting i had port 80 closed.. s1 server down going on a lot longer than mine was why isnt his removed? :haha: mm im bored
  7. lol exactly
  8. http://www.sanswire.com/stratellites.htm lmao :haha:
  9. lol no even though i do live in mississippi :haha: im talking about news from the industry
  10. lmfao ANY NEWS !!! i dont know how else to explain it
  11. well news like dslr has ... maybe different categories .. u can always try diff things but thatd be a kick ass addition to this site thats like the only thing its missing is news ;) ;)
  12. at least i realize my mistakes b4 i ask for help from others.. :evil6: :evil6:
  13. waste of time
  14. well in this same topic..
  15. fun talking to yourself isnt it? :haha:
  16. always freezes up on me for the upload
  17. from 115 to 180 what u think?
  18. just put the hyperwrt firmware on my router and look b4 i was uploading at around 115 kb/s now.. Your connection is: 1386 Kbps (about 1.4 Mbps) You uploaded at: 169 kB/s Your TRuSPEED: ^info^ 1483 Kbps :: 181 kB/s (7% overhead factored) Bottom Line: You are running: 25 times faster than 56K and can upload 1 megabyte in 6.06 second(s) Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 55.73 % faster than the average for host (vista-express.com)
  19. lmao maybe if i had read it better ipv6 uninstall If IPv6 was installed at the time of execution, you will see... 'Uninstalling...
  20. yah i know someone mentioned that he was though
  21. open up dos window type ipv6 uninstall how easier..
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