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Everything posted by moonlord

  1. how b ig is the site total? everything ..
  2. well if im called an ass then hes a dumbass forgetting he posted twice
  3. who the f*** said i was being an ass?
  4. yah that shit was awesome
  5. where is vanburen when we need him :?
  6. lmFAO HI :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:
  7. because u dont need to be posting same thing twice
  8. because u was responding to me and u started another thread
  9. yah but dont waste our time :haha: w00t 100 posts
  10. yup yup omg btw ALMOST 100 POSTS ;) ;) :D
  11. maybe his pc needs tweaked? .. or maybe hes being throttled because hes dling too much
  12. well i left it off for like 2 hours and my download speed slowly got slower.. so i turned it back on and back up it went
  13. yea someone will actually respond back i cuoldnt believe it when i emailed them
  14. this second time this person has asked on this same subject..
  15. lol uninstall and reinstall and it should ask u
  16. and most of the time multiple posts abotu the same subject is not needed IF NOONE HELPS WE DONT LIKE U :evil6: :evil6: :haha: lol jk though https://testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=4287.msg39201;topicseen#msg39201
  17. as far as uncapping goes there the best but i wont get on that subject never have had one sb4100 but if u can ask for sb5100 most of the time the newer the better
  18. well he has the sb5100 thas what u should ask for too
  19. no my friend has the basic rr package and his dl speed is the same as yours
  20. what for? didnt change anything when i did
  21. no not really if u wanna change it on just one pc .. if u want all of them to do the same dns server yea u change it thru ru router
  22. and put that in a list of forbidded words or w/e
  23. delete his damn user then
  24. this one too http://twistedpc.us/myspeed/
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