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Everything posted by x_6985381

  1. Checking my configuration information available on my roadrunner modem page. (I.E: Using a byte converter, my modem maxes at 14.66406 Megabyte. They offer 15 Megabyte transfer streams. Would that / could that be false advertising?
  2. So I've found the culprit, I removed one of the end protectors from my 30' Ethernet cord that runs from where my old pc use to be, and there was a gash, I had never see it before but I've repaired it temporallay until I can buy a newer, I was going to see if I could move my cable modem so that I could erase the gashed ethernet cord, but it's 10:47EST, and I have school tomorrow. Looks like tomorrow I'll be buying a new 30' ethernet cord. Hopefully it'll hold until then, that was a waste of time. Thank you all who've helped thus far.
  3. I can not get my modem to connect directly to this computer. Can someone please help me to just connect the modem to this computer.
  4. Changed a few things within the routers config,changed to only allow this computer, as it is wireless. Alongside that I disabled wireless. Disabled the DHCP server from the router to my computer. This connection problem really does, suck.
  5. I'm going to uninstall all that stuff besides ipv4 and windows serv connect see if stuff changes. And I'll go ahead and change my MAC Address.
  6. Always 100T-Base on both On-Board NIC and Router. Currently IPv6 is not provided with Roadrunner. but haven't checked this in about 3 months. I'll go get into a roadrunner tech chat, and ask again. As for packet loss, absolutely none. From all the data I've tried to run. I'm going to ping myspace.com as thats the website thats giving me almost complete hell 1 min... 0% loss, 98Ms ping My IP has changed from a 24. starting to a 66. And it's been ever sense that, could it be because I was moved to a different server? Sorry, just trying to piece things together, I'll go check that RR chat tho.
  7. Name WebSTAR DPX2203 Modem Serial Number 1**52***7 Cable Modem MAC Address 00:14:F8:43:**:16 Hardware Version v2.1 Software Version v1.1.2r1151-070508 Receive Power Level 1.8 dBmV Transmit Power Level 39.0 dBmV Cable Modem Status Operational Downstream Status Operational Channel ID 1 Downstream Frequency 591000000 Hz Modulation 256QAM Bit Rate 15376384 bits/sec Power Level 1.6 dBmV Signal to Noise Ratio 34.8 dB Upstream Status Operational Channel ID 2 Upstream Frequency 24208000 Hz Modulation 16QAM Bit Rate 1024000 bits/sec Power Level 39.0 dBmV Cable Modem Status Operational Cable Modem IP Addess 10.***.**.71 Current Time Sun Nov 18 16:59:18 2007 Time Since Last Reset 0 days 15h:12m:26s Configuration File isrrIP1BW20VIP1_1.bin@Cm81R3SGdcVGiVRGAwg80RbswCtEHQ4H Cable Modem Certificate Installed Connected to MAC Address IP Address Ethernet 00:**:**:55:5F:E0 66.67.***.95 Hidden everything I've learned not to post on testmy.net As of the AVG Antivirus, one at a time, learned that a while ago. Downgrading is not an option, currently I do not have a 'legit' copy of XP. Thank you all for the great help you've been able to give me. Disconnecting the router is not possible, I've tried and the computer will not recognize the cable modem without, tried everything I possibly could to get it configured. If you have any other ideas, please be my guest. Again thanks for the support you are offering.
  8. I'm currently not running a server, just ran 5 differen't anti-virus programs, and only AVG picked up trojans, it's currently finishing up. This computer is shared within my household, me and my sister. Thats it.
  9. Never mind that was at start-up running almost double of my first netstat screen, going to go for another scan, going to go to sleep though. We'll see what happens tomorrow.
  10. Only thing thats close to anything I've been using lately would be wordpress. As I've installed wordpress on my web-server. I've screenshot the connections after running Avast! See below, dramatically changed the number of connections being made. Thanks so much, going to go give it a test and throw it around a bit. Thanks again.
  11. Alright, going to run a few programs. I'll get back to you if I find anything. Thanks so much for the help thus far. out.
  12. It was 34.9 dB - posted three times didn't see you got that.
  13. Vista kind of lame, hoping that the SP1 is going to be better. Currently all I see running is Aim & Xfire, with the default connections from windows itself.
  14. Can't seem to find the Sn Ratio, explain more please. Edit: Found it - 34.9 dB
  15. Heres netstat from command promt.
  16. TCP/Web100 Network Diagnostic Tool v5.4.12 click START to begin Connected to: nitro.ucsc.edu -- Using IPv4 address Another client is currently being served, your test will begin within 45 seconds Checking for Middleboxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Done checking for firewalls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Done running 10s outbound test (client-to-server [C2S]) . . . . . 963.0kb/s running 10s inbound test (server-to-client [s2C]) . . . . . . 8.44Mb/s Your PC is connected to a Cable/DSL modem Information: Other network traffic is congesting the link click START to re-test AIM XFIRE Window Vista Default connection components. * All that is curret upon running test...
  17. EDIT: Connection dropped half way through writing this. Could it be my isp's modem going? Alright I've currently done everything you've told me, and am now directly connected to my modem, i guess i missed the day of class were we talked about waiting for the modem to cache an ip. Anyways the main point of this was to keep my browser from locking up. I mean I can be searching anything, but when it comes to myspace, or youtube. My connection seems to freeze right up, I'm thinking its because of configuration I've made to firefox itself. With the about:config page of firefox. Anyone know of programs to completely erase firefox, registery keys and what not, I've uninstalled and reinstalled but still the same problem I thought by eliminating the router I'd fix the problem, yet again I'm stuck with a freezing connection.
  18. Alright I'll retry this. Registering is what you just explained, I just put it into one word. haha Oh well, brb.
  19. I have tried all of the above, still no sign other than network congestion, and I don't understand what could be congesting it. Currently I have AIM open, nothing else. besides firefox.
  20. I'm trying to get my router uninstalled, as I'm starting to see with only one connection it's pointless. I need to have my modem register to this computer, but it will not do it. I'm in vista home basic, and this router issue is driving me nuts. How do I configure my cable modem, to run with this computer, without the middleman (router)? I've 30sec power cycled, reset button nearly 20 times, and wired the modem to the pc, restarted both. Any help would be of great thanks.
  21. I've recently purchased a D-Link WBR-1310 for a simple two computer network configuration. I've lost my performance computer, so now I'm on my business desktop. Even on my other better computer it gave me the same problem. When hard-wired the connection seems to time-out, and randomly drops. I've updated the firmware twice from when I've purchased it and today, trying to get it to stop dropping. I've tried configuring it, but routers are my flaw. I was wondering how I should set this up, and how to get it to stop dropping / timing-out. It's rather annoying. thank you all for your help. Windows Vista Home Basic Intel ProV/100 On-Board NIC Up to date BIOS - Motherboard V2.01 Firmware - D-Link WBR-1310 Rev B. Hardwired, Wireless disabled, Everything else is default. Please and thank you!
  22. I've found an older NIC in my basement. I was wondering if it will make a difference running it along side my onboard ethernet. It's connected to a D-Link 4port / wireless router. I'm just wondering if two will help with packet loss, or help in general. - speed seems a tad bit slower, but could be because its the weekend.
  23. I knew nothing before buying this router, guess I got lucky.
  24. Tried it and worked, found it right after I posted this haha, thanks though! Love having wireless in my house agian, specially since my old linksys would not work with vista, pretty lame how only a select and brand new routers work with windows Vista.
  25. I just bought a new D-Link WBR-1310 Wireless Router. I was wondering how I can get into the router. IE: I use to get into my linksys with +USERNAME +PASSWORD Is there a similar function with this router, if so, how? Thanks in advance!
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