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Everything posted by x_6985381

  1. not sure i have a stock board too but im pretty sure it will fit the case, my friend victor just bought one from them he has an older hp motherboarda and he said it went in with ease.
  2. yeah looks like it'll be a nice fit, i dont care if it wont work i have another three computers that need better cases, but i would like it to fit this one, plus the fans on the case are insane! just what i want in a case.
  3. the heatsink is like HUGE!, i cant believe its this big, but anyways the new case i bought is this http://xoxide.com/x-ventilator-case-black.html seems like it has the space i need, sopose to be here tuesday.
  4. Check the new heatsink i had to take out the power supply because its too big to hold both but i bought a new xoxide case for it, that'll fit both getting excellent temps, with window closed :haha:
  5. my aluminum block is like huge i was thinking why not if it doesnt fit take out the power supply therefor lowering my temps more!
  6. alright i need a serious anwser now! i bought a Zalman Heatsink http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16835118115 that; and i was wondering if anyone is running it, i get it tomorrow. and ill be putting it thru its max, running at its max and gaming hard on it. see if it was worth 50 bucks, please let me no how you run with it if you have it
  7. lol i no this, haha had the window open xD just wanted to make you all think about it for a sec!, Gosh gotta be all serious and stuff.
  8. i have 2 gigs in right now.
  9. I believe i have the cooliest running FAN only pentium 4 check the picture
  10. Alright thanks anyways. sorry i totally forgot i said that cholla lol :-[ anyways yeah if i do upgrade my videocard not sure what i'll be buying but something worth working for me.
  11. coolings no issue i have a 120 mm Zalman all copper heat sink and fan on its way, the problem is what should i do upgrade cpu or motherboard. coolings nothing for me. i just open the windows and let freesh cold air in, its mainly how crampped my case is, so ill be upgrading that soon thanks tho.
  12. yeah i have a oc 6600. runs every game i play fine
  13. since i'll be getting money and hopefully alot i've been looking into upgrading either my processor or motherboard, but im not sure what too look for in a gaming type computer running hot and cold, with a processor of speeds up too 3GHz. what should i do, right now i have a stock Intel Desktop Mb, 4 Serial ATA pci-e x16 [1] pci-3 [2] pci-1 [1] gigabyte ethernet dvd n read drive connection 4 ram slots 3 fan connections and it fits a Intel Slot T Pentium 4 ht tech processor 3.00GHz its nice but the case is getting old, the motherboards STOCK and it runs hot. what should i do about this buy a new motherboard or buy a new processor i need something good enough to game with and runs with no lag price unlimited PLZ HELP
  14. Seems i cant get into my BiOS anyway i can get into it or is this a bootsector virus? :-| :-| i get the weird'estcrap on my pc.
  15. lol, dont worry its been beaten worst than what im doing to it.
  16. lol yeah it doesnt work to good with that much power on its hands
  17. my graphics card always runs nicely, but i want to see what it can do overclocked to what i believe its max is. Dont worry, ill be buying a new one sooner or later. Orginals 300 CPU / 500 MEM
  18. is there a way to make it lighter? or is that just the battery in it?
  19. swimmer, how long did your battery stay alive for?
  20. the mouse is alright, almost floats compared to my other mouse (optical), although im still working out how fast and sesative it is, its an awesome mouse, very responsive, and the battery barley goes down, unless my niece uses it...24/7 computer user i have to kick her off lol
  21. yeah i power'd up to 550 And omg, its so beautiful its like a sunset with a model
  22. yeah about time i upgraded, i was getting so much non-response with my older 250 watt power supply, this has the cords all wrapped giving me less interaction while sending the power, its a sweet setup
  23. I purchased A SWEET Maddog Surepower 450w / 550w / 650w BTX / ATX 12V Smart Cable Power Supply And a Mx Logitech Laser mouse 800 DPI Wireless of corse! All seem to be helping my gaming out, the power upgrade makes my computer seem ALOT more awake, more responsive. As is im running more than i ever ran before. putting a Foot up my computer ASs! just wanted to share my buyings
  24. Were playing with light for a research investigation!! light bouncing back faster than sending...Interesting.
  25. Fuck just when i thought my home town couldnt get any dumber
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