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Everything posted by x_6985381

  1. What drivers would i use for a realtek high definition audio are there other drivers i can use for this chipset? i really dont like the sound it produces, its clear but i can get bass out of it.
  2. http://www.geekblue.net/archives/2006/03/holographic_key.html what the heck, wonder if thats gonna be Big.
  3. what kind of heatsink and fan would i put on my pent 4 ht tech 3.00 ghz cpu? lga775 right?
  4. Done all of that at a earlier time period
  5. Whats a recommended program for me a normal internet gamer / coder to use to tune my computer like i've heard of those programs that change things to make them seem faster but they dont, yeah i want a program to actully work, for a normal joe. any suggestions?
  6. yeah i no this, but just wanted to see if anyone downloaded it, if it was a real link.
  7. yeah thought it would be a fake, theres a few more links for it ill try n post those later
  8. Found this wondering the net thought someone might want it or try it. Microsoft Windows XP SP3 Special Edition 2006 (Version 2) This is what you get in the the app: Office 2003 pro All in one Foxit pdf Tune up Utilities 2006 Maxthon browser 1.5 Msn Explorer 7.0 7Zip Kaspersky antivirus pro 5.0.390 Look' n ' Stop firewall 2.05 WinRAR 3.51 CORP Java Net Framework 1.1 sp1 Yahoo Messenger 7.0 Flash get 1.5 (No spayware) with path up to 30 conection MSN 7.5 Media player 10 Klite Mega Codecs Pack 1.43 Bitcommet Flash player8 Winamp 5.12 Natural Screen Saver Extra Themes (vista-Media center-Xpize-forest green-Chromium and more styles) New wallpaper and screen saver were Replaced start programs menua were expanded alexa spayware were removed from winxp some dangerous ports were closed fore safe use some registry tweaks were made to speed winxp So winxp sp3 will be now more stable, more beatifull, Faster than any other versions, more protection and safe to use, included more than programs you need and all programs were full no expire date. Download Posting links/serials to copy written material is not allowed. Please refrain from creating threads or posting about things of that nature. -Shifter-
  9. thanks van much love
  10. my ip address ? negative on that mister </3
  11. i dont really care if ppl wanna try and destroy my computer, i've fixed it once, and i've done so many tweaks, and i have warr. on it, i really dont care i have two back up. i understand where your comming from but i see a differnce in the connections when i have my firewall up, and most that i've used didnt do much.
  12. i'll just be open, havent had any problems with any of my pc's, and they get cleaned almost every week 3 times.
  13. i dont use firewall's, slows connection and im running roadrunner
  14. wait is mine even good, why are all my ports closed? can i open them up is that hurtting my connection im so confused please help
  15. I guess this is good?
  16. That sucks; alright thanks
  17. i have tha pcx2200, see i dont get that i cant run in 100 mbp/s i use to for a good 2 yrs i've had this modem
  18. Alright i was wondering if you could make me a cable nut setting file that i could download, so that i could use it with my connection? stats here: :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 6535 Kbps about 6.5 Mbps (tested with 5983 kB) Download Speed is:: 798 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (main) Test Time:: 2006/03/24 - 4:50pm Bottom Line:: 117X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 1.28 sec Tested from a 5983 kB file and took 7.5 seconds to complete Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; Media Center PC 4.0; .NET CLR 2.0.50727) Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 44.01 % faster than the average for host (rr.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-T0H4QPLX1 RoadRunners 8 down / 356 up i need my connection to be more stable for gaming, if theres anyway i can get that file i'd be happy and pleased ill post my current settings; - theres one i added a few numbers to to make my aim upload faster, didnt help i just left it that way, blah thanks man
  19. Alright i have a problem with my modem the only way i can run it is in auto-detect that gives me 10 mbp/s full too slow for me, i use to run it in 100 mbp/s full all the time i just recently took off my router, and it hasnt worked since then i've uninstalled the drive twice and let it reistall itself, how do i make my modem run in 100 mbp/s full ?
  20. lol fuck you all ..|.,
  21. Alright i rigged these stero speakers onto my already connected pc speaker's, you wouldnt believe the sound difference, so much clearer, and it works im loving it Edited by:Swimmer Language
  22. i cant buy a new computer; i just bought this one. i'll never buy another intel ill tell you this
  23. a computer worth gaming with On pc: Graphics card: Nvidia 6600 [overclocked] Memory: 2GHz Intel Pent 4: ht tech Harddrive: 250 What i want: Graphics Card: Anything worth better than the 6600 Memory: overclockable memory and one 100 gig extra harddrive, maybe a gaming harddrive [something fast]
  24. anyone know of cheap onine stores, i need to build up my computer...
  25. Oh believe me..im a fucker when it comes to fucking slowing my computer down, or error message. believe me ill make a post about the things we say to each other it'll be historical.
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