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Everything posted by x_6985381

  1. I've asked this b4 but is it impossible to get into a stock box sony vaio's bios?, or can it be done?, just very difficult.
  2. yeah nothing out of the ordinary
  3. lol im upgrade soon so the best i swear to freakin this can of coke!
  4. sorry forgot the picture
  5. im having troubles with uninstalling kazaa and 3DMark both those programs do not want to delete them self's
  6. [smack]-thats it mister-[/smack]
  7. wtf is that a 1k box computer score's horribly can this be fixed im running a 6600! pci-e
  8. is that a p2p or a site im so newb just smack me
  9. im gettin a wopping 10.0 kbp/s can someone send me it :[
  10. i cant seem to download this file..
  11. hey mister no port loving here HAHA -jake
  12. ahh thanks
  13. thats crazy man haha i wish i had sigx i dont wanna pay for it tho oh well
  14. hey hows your pent d those run good? my pent 4's laggy after about a day im tying to figur out why
  15. BIG files my behind i know what you download
  16. Alright ima try and run the Shit outa this computer
  17. yeah i've never run this past 30 hour's and ima punish it and run it for 5 days. see if it laggs out
  18. Im running a pent 4 and i wanna know the uptimes of these cpu's iight please tell me what your running also to get a look at what other computers are running like, also tell me if you feel lag after 2 - 3 days uptime.
  19. lol naww i fixed it finally it says mp3 and wav not wma lmfao; and its wma that plays not mp3 or wav wtf is that i know right haha anyways all done!!
  20. doesnt even give info to fix what i need to be fixed, wait do i need the usb cable -.-?
  21. i cant put the music files on the memory card; just cant listen to them on my phone; do i need vcast to listen to MY music?; i put it all in the right folder.
  22. yeah it says mp3s / wav all that stuff .
  23. iight i got the 512 miniSD for my LG8100 verizon fone i added the music in .mp3 format and i cant seem to find the music, i added pictures and i see those just know music what the Freak
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