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Everything posted by x_6985381

  1. lol its funny how everytime i look at this its outragious highest i've seen it, in a while. its stupid and i dont believe it. but just thought you'd all wanna look at that shit.
  2. list games you play isnt' there a site to test you gf'x card?!
  3. pci-e's the only way to go for gaming!
  4. i have a evga 6600 pci-e works great...! no lag. i luv evga
  5. a little lag may happen, but amd = gaming machines. nvidia has always worked for me.. im running one right now in mine depends on what you mean by -ordinary gaming- plus almost every card will give you great performance the price is a factor.. but compare before you buy!.. all i can say as right now.
  6. i have converters so im not that fucked about it..
  7. Hey is FiOS in western New York Yet!?
  8. haha that'd be hilarious =D
  9. Damn! 50? im only 14 that feels like ages above me ur gettin old, but yet you remain chill / cool thanks for all the help and ya... Happy muthafucking birthday!
  10. yeah but the bigger the screen the more for ppl to view.. like say a teacher needs to get off, jake let me borrow ur 5 inch widescreen porn tool LMFAO
  11. omg that looks so fucking sweet
  12. it'll b sweet girls b like...JAKE ima b like oh yes missy haha, no! but seriously im buyin the ipod video tomorrow skippin school dont feel to "good"
  13. 30 gigs? Link? i love you hey can you get 'bin' off desktop :-[ Newb question i think its a no
  14. yeah thats what i thought guess what ima save to the 30 gigs of video / music.... any guesses... if you guessed pornography for middle school classes you are correct haha its the best i sit in the back of every class and watch porn.. aww man! no more mister asleep.
  15. System requirements: Macintosh computer with USB port (USB 2.0 recommended), Mac OS X v10.3.9 or later, PC with USB port or card (USB 2.0 recommended), Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4 or later, or Windows XP Home or Professional with Service Pack 2 or later. i dont own a mac, but i wanna buy this ipod http://www.circuitcity.com/ssm/Apple-30GB-Color-iPod-with-Video-MA146LLA-/sem/rpsm/oid/137196/catOid/-12952/rpem/ccd/productDetail.do do i need a mac, i've had one before and it worked with my emachines will it work on my vaio?, just wanted to no thanks
  16. x_6985381

    vid card

    ^^ LMFAO!! Ha its easy,( his way owns ) your all making it 10 times harder
  17. it just quits doesnt give warnng or anything just freezes it i believe it releases it iunno
  18. x_6985381

    router problem

    alright so im surfing and what not.. and say i click on a video i wanna play on launch pop up box pops up and starts connecting soon i realized my internet went down. so i disable try again [3 times] its been doing this ALOT... is there anyway to counter_act this? its not the video im worried about its like myspaces and things like that which freeze my connection its LAN Roadrunner! isnt it always On >.< thanks pce out.
  19. what kind of modem do you have O.o
  20. Elton John </3
  21. i already had those =X and no its just for myself
  22. really ne thing, hiphop rap rnb you know anything a 14 yr old would listen too
  23. Anything that goes thud...lol ne thing as long as its MUSIC
  24. Grabs his mom's cc... grabs keys to truck... Revs it... I AM READYYYYYYYYYYYYY LET ME GOOOOOOO!!!
  25. iight man i wanna fill like 5 gigs worth of music...so can you ppl add all the songs you have like titles?, theres gotta b a way to copy and paste just the names and shit lol i need to download hella music if not delete this post
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