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Everything posted by x_6985381

  1. iight i got my router and my computer and my cellphone wireless is enabled on the router; and bluetooth is active on my fone i can get to the cellphones net ; is there a way to get my music to this cellphone or am i going insane over this?!
  2. i need to just wait til tomorrow eh?
  3. can i send stuff over wireless to my phone with bluetooth i just turned the bluetooth on on my phone.
  4. cant you send it over the net ?!
  5. blue tooth works and naww just the power cord lmfao.
  6. i just bought the LG8100 and i use to send music to my old cellphone the 6000 can i send full length music files to my phone off my computer, do i have to change formate of it? i havent bought the miniSD yet tomorrow i will be but i wanna have music on it now. just a quick yes or no and how too will do thanks all - Jake Philly.
  7. lright thanks php
  8. I've looked at the front bay of my sony and i see a memory port are there cards you can buy to put into these slots? :roll: i know about the camera cards but memory cards?!
  9. haha there skippin my music on my computer wtf hahaz
  10. What does this do; should i just take it out of my media center pc? is this useful if not connected to anything but the computer.?!
  11. Oh wow i closed the java site and it crashed me; what the fuck is up with my pent 4.
  12. alright ill run that says this: Java Runtime Vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc. Java Runtime Version 1.5.0_06 CONGRATULATIONS, you have the Latest version of Java!
  13. wow gay ass xxx limewire will not stop stallin my pc out...its like a mustang in a dogfight; ima start kicking my intel </3 edited by just- bad language
  14. wow wont let me install windows framework 1 service pack 1 O.o anyone else having this problem ima restart
  15. Roger that; im checking right now.
  16. im running a Intel Pent 4 ht 3.00 GHz cpu speed 6600 nvidia vid. card and every time i open up limewire my whole computer freeze's annoying, YES! is there a reason this is stalling out my pc my AMD hold it fine and that 1.66 ghz cpu speed same version of limewire [limewire pro; just over written key's to get pro]
  17. alright sweet shit man thanks
  18. hmm i was checking this phone out and it looks sweet going to get it either tomorrow or saturday, its the LG8100 it records movies / pictures +flash+ / and VCast anyone have this phone and can give me good / bad news about it? thanks all -philly
  19. i wish i had a few extra stero speaks to hook up to my sony vaio; has an awesome onboard sound card =X
  20. Jesus Christ; Your insane you know that O.o!!!
  21. i was thinking of puting together a page made just for test webpages. like links to every spec to your computer, speakers / monitor / graphics / mouse / keyboard / connection / GHz / MHz ping / 20 mb - 100 mb But on one page; to let the new sign-up's to test their WHOLE system not just their connect.. Help? i'd also like to run alot of test on my three computers to see whats under there hood's ya know? - Philly.
  22. umm how many watts that push? wtf do you play that needs that much speaker, besides music O.o my JBL PRO Desktop speakers push more than my 500 watt stero in my living room LMFAO. yeah
  23. would a d-link airplus G dwl-g510 work on their wireless modems?
  24. Is verizon FiOS's 15MB Down // 2MB Up worth 50 bucks a month? is it relable like roadrunner, always on? is it always 15 down and 2 up? what are wireless router speeds with this package? im currently waiting for FiOS To hit my part of new york, and im going to buy their 15/2 package, with wireless router is it worth canceling roadrunner, for it? or should i stay with my roadrunner 5/356? im just wondering on these questions any replies would be greatly liked. currently getting 7Mb Down // 356Kb Up -Philly.
  25. LOL net i was fucking around haha! i'd have to do some research to build a monster so many possiblitys.
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