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Everything posted by x_6985381

  1. what kind of box computer with the most power could i buy, for under 400 yet very powerful, any ghz's any hdd size any power supply; Limited to under $400.00 U.s. Dollars looking for a new gaming computer for my 7 year old niece : ) -Jake.
  2. Haha so i finally got my sony vaio back, they couldnt fix it what a "i should've known" Anyways it took me since 7:30 Eastern til 12 O-clock to figur out what was wrong. Circuit City deleted my whole harddrive ... ASSh*les. anyways i just rewrote home sp1 and used my old Vaio recovery disc to start it up and restore it. Anyways its up im happy, now i just have to download and restart so many times tonight. :haha: :haha: Circuit City Sucks. Pce all.
  3. Is it possible to overclock and onboard graphics processor? or am i back to newb lvl? -Jake.
  4. fixed it !! im sucha smartie - jake [rofl]
  5. alright i've had this problem before but last time i did it stayed for a long time and the source is limewire i completely deleted limewire and cleaned up my computer erasing history and stuff, But regedit's still LOCKED i've ran about 3 differnt Virus scan's and found nothing whys regedit locked!! limewire gives a folder with advertisments that lags up your computer c:douments and settingsUSER NAMEComplete its hidden from view but that fold can be found if you paste it into run program. -Jake.
  6. fucking pipeline = broke no use in keeping it if it wont work.
  7. oh yeah its busted up a little DONT WORRY I SWEAR IT WOULD NOT WORK
  8. here are some pictures before i started getting mean
  9. yes i was trying to mess with my graphics card install a block to it to keep it cooler and sorta broke a pipeline, not the damn thing runs in all but haha no pipeline no action, so half my screens all fuzz, so i just threw it out, im trying to run on my onboard but a S3 Graphics ProSavageDDR Is not the best, Fucking me and my "have to touch everything" hands my friend has an old AGP card he doesnt use, i think im gonna bum it off him try and get himt o send it to me over mail, fucking christ anyways anyone no about a S3 GraphicsprosavageDDr can it be even touched? xD
  10. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: Kbps about Mbps (tested with kB) Download Speed is:: kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (server1) Test Time:: Bottom Line:: X faster than 56K 1MB download in sec Diagnosis: Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-9Z7AOUE2D xD Very fast
  11. BIOS Type: Phoenix-Award BIOS v6.00PG BIOs Date: 08/09/02 BIOS ID: 08/09/2002-KM266-8235-6A6LVF0DC-00 OEM Sign-On: Version VLB408H Super I/O: ITE 8705/SiS 950 rev 2 found at port 2Eh ChipSet: VIA 82C3116 rev 0 Os: Microsoft Windows XP Version: 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2 CPU TYPE: AMD Athlon™ XP Speed: 1666 Mhz Max Speed: 2000 Mhz BIOS ROM In-Socket: Yes SIze: 256K Memory Installed: 512 MB Maximum: 512 MB WTF DOES ALL THIS MEAN
  12. 4x, and um no window's xp cd so cancel that out
  13. how do i go about this o.o
  14. circuit city installed it.
  15. this computer just got brand-new harddrive, so window's was installed newly.
  16. dude i do those every week no matter what sometimes more than that i like my computers CLEAn
  17. i just changed about 15 things in my registery started maybe a min faster download's seem faster the only 2 files download max was unlock not i have like 15 for a max, seems to be opening up again my intel runs at 3.00 GHz
  18. ...there has to be tweaks to get this old dog up and running; i would have kept this computer over my intel if the harddrive didnt get erased..
  19. i can not overclock a box pc.. xD silly amc
  20. lol i wanna get what i can out of a 1.66 GHz amd rofl
  21. it feels like a very slow start up like i have to wait a good 5-8 mins for a start up and i've changed the harddrive / floppy / cd boot sequence hasnt helped
  22. Roadrunner xD 5/356 but i've been tweaking my connection for long time.
  23. Okay im running a AMD Athlon 2000+ 1.66 GHz cpu clock speed Nvidia GeForce4 MX 440 Core: 325MHz // Mem Clock: 444MHz 512Mb's of RAM // 2 Harddrives 1 140 Gig Seagate 1 15 Gig western digital 10/100 Mb's Connection 27' Cord to Linksys 2.4 GHz Wireless B Router i get about 6.0 MBp/s on this, with my ps2 and intel running on it. Is this computer worth the time of pulling everything i can out of it? is there tweaks i've yet t discover? This computers old about 5 years the harddrives new not the 15 gig of corse. but she seems to run fine thanks -jake
  24. dont amd have dual core also..
  25. omg, wtf who'd need that much power you'd need like a big screen tv box made of all meal to house that kinda power xD jesus dude i wish i had that board and stuff xD i'd have "funn"
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