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About ghostmaster

  • Birthday May 31

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    Sharing a cigarette with negativity...
  • Interests
    Wallowing in my own obscenity...

ghostmaster's Achievements


Expert (7/10)



  1. I hope they fix the outlook 2010 color pallette...I find their lack of contrast disturbing....
  2. LOL You guys are nuckin futs....
  3. I still say SuperAntiSpyware beats sliced bread any day......
  4. The first time I saw this, I was like, "Yeah see ya in 30 days" lol.....
  5. try running memtestx86.... http://www.memtest.org It might not be the RAM, but this will tell you if the processor has memory issues on the chip....
  6. DiXML wreaks....... of awesomeness....
  7. Sweet I got one right!
  8. THe first thing I can think of, is to make sure the default audio output on the computer is set to the Radeon 4850, and not the audio on the MB.
  9. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834220559 On a laptop you are going to want Intel. Cooler, faster, and better battery life. This is your best $800.00 laptop in terms of value IMO. Toshiba support sucks. I don't know much about Acer anymore. This also has a 7200rpm hard drive, and a better graphics card than the rest.
  10. Make sure you go ahead and get a deck with USB support. IPOD doc in car is bitchin! Or your choice of other mp3 player, or flash drive for that matter....
  11. Have you tried Opera?
  12. I put the beta on my macbook pro as a 2nd OS, and it didnt "need" any drivers. I finally got bootcamp installed (kinda) to get stuff like the webcam to work, and it runs great. I have been using it exclusively at work to test our network and software with it, and have experienced no issues at all, with the exception of the video card driver, which I updated from ATI, problem solved. It is a lot faster than Vista, and you'll learn to love the taskbar, which I hated at first.
  13. The "upgrade" version will also do a clean install. So you can still take advantage of the deal.
  14. If he posts your information online, sue him instead.
  15. How old is he? He may have seen that you were young, and he is trying to take advantage of you. Tell him to stuff it. Make sure you get that serial number if you can. I doubt that any small claims court will even here this case, if he were that persistent.
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