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Posts posted by anox195

  1. 3 hours ago, CA3LE said:

    I moved those forums to defunct a few weeks ago because of low participation in recent years.  They'll be reorganized, updated and put back out front soon.


    As you've probably noticed by now AT&T Gigapower is detected as AT&T U Verse.  So to research that you'd want to look into AT&T U Verse speed test log, extend the output to 1000/page, browse for the fastest results... then look in deeper detail at the users getting the fastest speeds.


    If you search for AT&T within TMN you'll find all the databases associated with AT&T.  I think Google search is a nice quick way to search TMN.  For instance, go to Google and search for


    site:testmy.net at&t


    ... when I want to find something here, I usually do a search like that in the address bar because it's just quicker.


    Thanks, I'll have to try the google syntax when looking for stuff in the future. Also nice to know its getting refreshed and updated. I've been using this website for years for speed testing (website works out of the box, no plugins needed, when spinning up new servers) and sometimes I'll post in the forums, I'm a sysad going on 7 years now, and its so much easier to go here and provide reliable data to my bosses and not some flash based bullshit. Keep up the good work for years, you guys have been nothing less of world class. Happy new years all.

  2. You should check to see if there are any LoS or similar radio ISPs piggybacking off of TWC's internet to extend it out to the rural areas. Theres a couple companies that do that here and I have heard good things about them. Mostly I have heard the bandwidth is good but latency is high, (ie. 20mb up/down, 100+ ms)... That seems like it would suffice for you. See if you can find a company like this around you! It can be difficult as they do not advertise and don't have many customers.

  3. 1 hour ago, spudler_t said:

    No it is not working , says page cannot load, I also cannot seem to find where the ISP specific forums are like Comcast or Century Link or say Time warner etc.



    Exactly! I could not find the ISP forums anywhere... That is where I was going to check up on details about the service. However I got the service and everything is working amazingly. I posted speeds in show off your scores forum board. Heres a link to it, https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/32645-new-att-gigapower-customer/

  4. https://testmy.net/db/5mSdfRoTh.9pdZmLVDO

    Any idea why this is so much slower than what I'm averaging on OOKLA? I haven't seen below 400mbps upload on OOKLA and it seems like it doesn't have enough time to keep climbing, as it only gets faster as its loading the data. My advertised speeds are 1gbps up and down.. Its fiber to my SOHO, Ethernet to the PC.


    Different ISP and more distant server:



    Same ISP, same city:


  5. Title says it all... anything I search comes up with 0 results...


    I'm looking for info about ppl who have gotten the new AT&T Gigapower 1gps isp service


    Like how it is, stability...ping times to games...and etc


    Realistic results seem to be 800mbps/200-400mbps as far as I can tell using google search


    AT&T is supposed to be at my house 9am-11am tomorrow so I will let you guys know how it is I guess...

  6. Hi All Souls,


    Well ladies and gentlemen, it has finally come. Internet speeds faster than your typical cheap 5 port hub, POE devices, and even too fast for some of your laptops with older NIC cards out there. Behold, 300 mbps / 20 mbps - has finally reached into my area. Although, most webservers peak out at 20mb/s, and netflix only allows each device about 5 mbps from what I can see on my network monitoring. 


    Evidence Below:


    Download: (on a good day I can get 320mbps)






    They complimentary increased our speeds because competitors in the area had 100mbps offers and also, I believe Google Fiber is looking to expand into my area ;) ... I'll keep you posted.


    As for the obvious questions, torrenting (legal) stuff is infact awesome with the correct settings in your torrent client, I manage about 22-30 mb/s download rate in torrents.


    The upload speed increase also seemed to have increased my ping times by about 10ms in most games, such as League of Legends, DirtyB, Counter Strike, even agar.io 


    At any rate, TWC MAXX is awesome! And after 2mo with no outages, I have nothing but great things to say. It is cable, so I know there are speed variances but a variance from 150mbps-320mbps is pretty nice for $69/mo.. 


    Anyone else out there get there TWC MAXX upgrade? Oh yeah forgot to mention you need the right modem that can handle all the channels.... :D


  7. Time Warner Cable rolled out TWC MAXX to my area as I believe Google Fiber is launching here soon as well, so they need to compete. Finally I got the upgrade and got the new modem that supports all the channels. Was only getting 100mbps previously however, after going to the TWC Store and swapping out the modem, I get the free 300 mbps upgrade! 


    Check out my speeds below, however no improvement in latency times or gaming-(this is just one test, for some reason theres ALOT of variance, due to cable?) Free upgrade in speed, same price per month. I now <3 TWC, $59.99/mo




    This is huge advantage now though, going from a residential 50mbps connection (thinking that was insanely fast). I can now download 60 GB in about 45 mins - 1 hour depending on the source host! The internet is really slowly starting to become a better place. Anyone else with Time Warner got the upgrade yet? I know all my neighbors and several co-workers of mine have also gotten this upgrade.


    All the best,



  8. In desperate need of a program that can monitor the bandwidth on my MIFI (hotspot wifi mobile devices). As a systems admin at a small corporation, the cellular overages for our mobile employees are killing us... Any ideas on what I could install to monitor this? On my machine- or even on they'res? Without having to call the service provider and asking on a update on each and every single line we own...... It seems after several calls the service providers offer nothing-


  9. Really? Really now, thats your response? LOL...

    First let me state I've never payed more then $7 for an iPhone app, and no more then $10 for an iPad app. IDK where the hell your getting $50 - $100 for apps but I've never spent anything close to that on an app, I don't know anyone who has ever payed more then $20 for an app. And most iPhone apps 99% are less then $10.

    Now if I wanted to be a complete fucking ass hole to mobile app developers I could jail break my iPhone in about 2 minutes and torrent any app I want like your doing with your little Android apps.

    As for main functions please elaborate on how they are horrible? Because I have no problem at all with its main functions. Battery life is longer then any other android phone I've seen. In the office where I work there are 2 iPhones, a BB Storm and 3 Android phones, my iPhone 4 lasts longer then all of them.

    I suggest you go and learn what that beep your hearing is, its the network and is phone independent. I have had maybe 3 dropped calls since june that were caused by my phone, most of the time its caused by the other person with there crappy phone. I'm on AT&T and my 3G speeds will run circles around yours, since Verizon is EVDO AT&T's base 3.6 Mbps HSPA will be faster, but since I'm in a HSPA+ area I get anywhere from 3 - 4.5 Mbps download. Oh and I've had no problem using my iPhone 4 in a elevator, Since AT&T now uses the 800 MHz band in my area for HSPA, it has no problems in doors.

    As far as exchange goes, you have got to be on one crappy ass exchange environment. Since exchange is server dependent, for the iPhone to be slow sending pics and vids but your droid is instant is a really stupid thing to say. I have an exchange server that I use for work, and a push IMAP that I use for all my personal email, and it sends just as fast on my iPhone as it does with a BB Storm or any of the 3 Android phones in our office. As soon as I push that send button it starts sending on my iPhone, no matter if I'm using exchange or IMAP.

    Try and come at me with something a little better, because everything you said is totally ass backwards, and shows how much of an android fanboy you really are.

    So I'm gonna go use my iPhone 4 to make a call, In doors now, and look at my awesome screen, use some of my better apps. Maybe take a picture or two with my better camera and I might send them to a few people using my exchange server not having to wait because its so not slow.

    And Ill do all this while I'm on that call.

    When I say apps, i mean just that, apps. I'm sure that out of all your wonderful app escapade you have run up a bill of atleast $70 buying apps. And to mention I would probably be impressed if you could post a speed test of your 4 pulling 4.5mbits on 3g. While your network is fine, others are not - So my comments are what i see going on the in the office. And my DI battery is definately longer lasting than a iphone 4, i wont charge it for a day sometimes and it still has a bit to go. Hell it will take hours to deplete from 20% (with constant use). I bet you throw that puppy on a charger everytime you get in your vehicle or home. Also like i said my droid is so much more open source ya know? I'm tired of proprietary and all that. If i want to be able to do a ssh session from my phone then i should be able to damnit! if i want to rdp without having to use something like a $30 app i should be able to. If i want to wifi tether my connection w/o having to pay besides what i already pay for unlimited data, i should be able to! I can use my phone as a usb drive to hold data and have do w/e i please. If im on the road and want to download a torrent or something ill download it from my phone and have it running in the background for hours. When im settled in i plug into my laptop and BAM! its there under removable media. also my camera is pretty darn good. i have an 8mp camera while your phone 4 has a little over half that many megapixels. Not really trying to argue, and im no fanboy, just saying im happy with my purchase of the droid incredible. best damn $200 i ever spent.

  10. Your all not seriously arguing over who's scrolls/zoom's quicker and smoother?

    Well I'll play at that game (And Win). My iPhone 4 scrolls, zooms in and out, is more responsive to touch then your Win Phone 7, Android, WebOS what ever else you may be running. I also have the best apps.

    At least argue over something thats decent to argue over.

    Mentioning task killer anything, doesn't put this in your favor. Memory management on Android is a serious problem that Google has never really fixed. You should never ever have to open a task manager on a phone. The OS should be smart enough to manage apps on its own.

    1. and 2. This is not as much of a valid argument as it once was. The latest round of Android devices (On the higher end) have fixed this for the most part by just throwing raw CPU power at it, its not to iPhone level of smoothness and probably never will be, but neither will Windows Phone 7.

    3. While Win Phone 7 is a million times better the Android at gaming and Android is god awful at gaming, You can't really put Win Phone 7 in the same class as the iPhone when it comes to gaming. iOS is far above all the others in this area. I haven't seen anything that comes close to Rage, Real Racing 2, Infinity Blade and others on either of the other platforms.

    And once the iPhone 5 gets the A5 processor it will take another jump in gaming because it spanks the shit out of everything else that is out there.

    While a smoother appearance and a brighter, more vibrant screen may make you think that your iPhone 4 is so much better, its actually not. Aside from the fact that phone itself is horrible at its main functions. The battery doesn't last near long enough in comparison with other smart phones, so unless your by a usb jack all the time youll start to notice damn, my battery is always about to die. Everytime I call a iphone 4 user (from many different phones) I hear a long annoying high pitched beeeeeeeep. then it will connect, i dont know if thats a badass ringback tone you iphone users have by default. Also how is your call dropping? Everyone in our building with the iphone cant be on the phone in our elevator. But guess what, I can :rolleyes: -- I have seen active sync on the iphone and compared it with my droid, when you send pictures or videos via iphone exchange its too slow. The droid does it instantly and does the upload in the bg. And by the best apps you mean you blew about 50-100 usd on some bs apps. Androids dl a A-Z pro torrent and boom anything you want at your disposal. Not to mention we dont have to update our itunes and firmware every so often and have your phone be a brick for a few hours come update day. And my 3G speeds are so much faster on my verizon network than they work on the att network... Anyways your iphone4 is verizon or att?

  11. Fanboy. x3 now? I go by personal experience. I have a life; therefore i don't need to sit in the basement all day reading reviews and bashing on other phones that im clearly "hands-on " ignorant of and go online like a keyboard warrior sporting my bottle cap glasses and pocket protector to rage about how awesome Microsoft's horrendous crap phone has become. Please processed in telling me how you work for a cellular company...or your a rep.. or your a professional phone tester man man man. Whatever supports your rants. In my line of work , i go through a phone roughly every couple months. I've tried just about everything from the standard candy bar, to flip , to sidekick, smart phone, blackberry, PDA etc. I've had phones with windows mobile 7 , & i will admit ... I have not yet tried a " windows 7 phone!111" but realistically...... Its just another flawed Microsoft powered hand-held piece of crap , that like the android, that like the Iphone, (which i find it hilarious that your now ALSO bashing) that will in essence, become obsolete in the next 2 months. I guess its just been a long time since I've seen anyone support a Microsoft product this hard LOL. Just pretty sad when you see so ... so many reviews and pre-reviews with people stating how this phone will hopefully and eventually fail... but everyone has their own opinions........ right? :smitten:

    I too own the HTC incredible. And you're right, its incredible. You literally plug the usb into any computer and you can drag and drop apps. NO 300-400mb software that you install and no redtape about anything. I torrent from my phone. I want to see the W7 phone do that, lol. And i also have never seen anyone support a Microsoft product so hard, it feels like the early original xbox days, lol.

  12. dont know about others, however personally i turn my phone on and it works. flawlessly. rooting, was cake and working from my phone is very awesome, as a network admin i dont even pull the laptop out. ssh sessions, rdp sessions, it does it all. and hey! it even bluetooth's my mp3s to my wireless headset so im jammin @ work all day.

    im in love with my self so there will never be a significant other. anox195 is all i care about. now that my phone does all these things, me and palmela handerson have gotten to know each other better.

    cant wait to see you post a BSOD pic of your phone. haha. :2funny:

  13. We updated our power redundancy here so actually, I do. We updated to Dell 3750w UPS's :) - however I have 3, one apc 2200xl and two tripplite 2200xls all smartups's. They are very heavy and you will pay every cent of shipping haha.

  14. I'm an IT guy here and have had a few prized items just wasting away, wondering if anyone could put some of this stuff to good use before I just ebay it. Got an extra Dell Poweredge 180AS here in fairly good condition. Also have a Dell Powerconnect 2708 in perfect condition. And a Cisco 1841 Series router, actually have a couple of these. I am willing to help my fellow networkers. But if you guys dont want any of this stuff im going to ebay it, could really use a new motor bike, haha. Willing to sell somewhat cheap. Keep in touch. I can post pics if you guys want.

  15. Talked the bossman into ordering a comcast bussiness line to back up our mpls and t1's during peak hours (and for my torrenting needs).. ha. 16/3 is the advertised speeds, heres what we are getting...

    (During production hours-will need to test during off hours)

    ::.. anox195's Download Test Results ..:::

    Download Connection is:: 11720 Kbps about 11.7 Mbps (tested with 15 MB)

    Download Speed is:: 1465 kB/s or 1.5 MB/s

    Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Dallas, TX USA)

    Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/db/MB6EVDT0F

    Test Time:: 2011-02-10 10:01:46 GMT -7

    1MB Download in 0.7 Seconds - 1GB Download in ~12 Minutes - 204X faster than 56K

    Tested from a 15 MB file and took 10.736 seconds to complete

    Running at 114% of hosts average (Comcastbusiness.net)

    User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/534

    :::.. anox195's Upload Test Results ..:::

    Upload Connection is:: 5002 Kbps about 5 Mbps (tested with 1.5 MB)

    Upload Speed is:: 625 kB/s

    Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Dallas, TX USA)

    Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/db/NDLXFHR93

    Test Time:: 2011-02-10 09:54:14 GMT -7

    1MB Upload in 1.64 Seconds - 1GB Upload in ~28 Minutes - 87X faster than 56K

    Tested from a 2 MB file and took 2.45 seconds to complete

    Running at 127% of hosts average (Comcastbusiness.net)

    User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.13 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/9.0.597.94 Safari/534.13 [!]

    Very happy with this. Definitely beats the 1.5mbps connection we had here.

  16. Who is your internet service provider?

    Although being on cable internet, that is the real flaw. You are merely sharing all the traffic on the node with all the citizens of this city that are using the same isp(probably 95% in a small town). That would explain the high traffic during those times. None of this bandwidth is dedicated so the problem is with them over selling there product. And like tdawnaz and ca3le said, they will most likely NOT admit this. Chances are you will most likely be talking to a under educated (technically savvy-wise anyways) CSR, and they will give you a riffraff around the table talk about actual speeds may vary blah blah blah. In actuality they over sell they're bandwidth to reap in profits. Greed! It runs this great world! Haha. :roll:

    EDIT: Don't get me wrong though, cable internet has its advantages. Specifically if your in a low population area or have comcast/cox, you will experience 10/2mbit+ connection speeds. Which are very ideal and complete your broadband experience. Haha.

  17. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820159021 Would work fine for the ram, however I would use a 64bit OS with that much ram and your MOBO supports up to 16gb. Wouldn't be a bad idea to go higher than 8 IMO.

    http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103472 This would make that thing scream.

    http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231207 As for the ram, if you wanted to pay a single USD dollar more this is rated the same but has more reviews and a higher rating. (Also has free shipping)

  18. I am a computer technician at computer co op in jackson, i have a A+ and CCNA certification and am completely stumped. I have 2 different customer PC's here that cannot connect to the internet in normal mode. I have completely uninstalled firewalls, disabled windows firewall and have AVG Free 8.0 running on each. They are completely virus/rootkit/spyware free. In normal windows I can ping, tracert, nslookup from cmd prompt with no problems.. even browse the local network, however no programs can connect its like a firewall or something is blocking them. However when I boot to safe-mode with networking I can connect with no problems at all, ie + firefox.

    Any ideas?

  19. Well today, unfortunately I had to call comcast to pay a bill im VERY pissed at... they send me a bill for $133.25, last 2 months of service + a $15 late fee, haha.

    I almost laughed, thinking I never received last months bill, although I do live in a clusterfuck of an apartment mail gets thrown around here. After discussing the bullshitness of the extra $15 to attempt to get it removed, but cumcast doesn't care about its customers. I decided to see if I was really getting my moneys worth...

    :::.. testmy.net test results ..:::

    Download Connection is:: 12477 Kbps about 12.48 Mbps (tested with 12288 kB)

    Download Speed is:: 1523 kB/s

    Upload Connection is:: 1804 Kbps about 1.8 Mbps (tested with 5983 kB)

    Upload Speed is:: 220 kB/s

    Tested From:: https://testmy.net (Main)

    Test Time:: 2008/08/04 - 12:42am

    D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-M9G2NHZAW

    U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-HEB4CF69I

    User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; WOW64; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506; Media Center PC 5.0) [!]

    Results are not bad, I guess I cannot complain, not to mention wonderful utorrent speeds. I guess I can't complain  :undecided:.

    Atleast im not bound by a contract i guess...

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