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Blunted 2

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Everything posted by Blunted 2

  1. no they wont it wouldnt even be a few dollars unless it lasted a few days cause it cost $3 a day if your bill is $90 a month but i'm sure you get the point.
  2. i doubt it would even be worth it
  3. well then it might be a bigger problem than mine was
  4. i had that problem with Optimum Online and it was my cable box and was fixed with a new 1
  5. i forgot where it was but i posted it here a long time ago. what do you need to know? the 10/35 is $170 a month with dynamic ip and its $210 with 5 static ip's and they also offer a 10/50 package. i'll try to find the link EDIT i found it http://newscenter.verizon.com/press-releases/verizon/2006/page.jsp?itemID=29669681
  6. fios is just about here and they are finishing my C-O and then i can get it. according to Verizon and alot of others that want it it should be here very soon and hopefully in a month or 2. i'm going to get the 10/35 business package.
  7. that result is cached and not correct so clear your cache and try again.
  8. lol must have been some story dont you just love technology :haha:
  9. we are polluting the air and ocean way worse than if we weren't here and cutting down all the trees that clean out the air so how isn't that making it worse. we are also using every natural resource on the planet so yes i believe we are making it alot worse than it could be and science proves it.
  10. IIRubenRodII try this test and post the results http://www.speakeasy.net/speedtest/
  11. well he has tests ranging from 24 kbps to over 27000 so i think its cached cause charter doesnt offer that speed for residential customers. http://www.testmy.net/tools/database/db_search.php?type=user&q=IIRubenRodII&framed=&limit=100&sort=test_score&d=DESC
  12. it might do that some time or another but its a fact that we a putting it into superspeed
  13. that sucks cause they want you to pay for a membership to get it which is gay
  14. the validation link for my upload in my sig says its gone
  15. is this the PC beta? where can i get it cause i have it for xbox and want to try the pc version
  16. try this test then http://www.testmy.net/tools/test/d_load.php?&st=st&tt=1&ta=1&top=000&out_src=20MB
  17. that is true but we'll see some of it
  18. your going to need alot more than just those antennas to get it to work properly. also you will have to place the AP in the attic or outside in a weatherproof box.
  19. you should make it a sticky so all the new people can get the ip right away and to let everyone know its there just a thought
  20. i had a TMN server a while ago but it wasnt used much
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