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    My Results

Everything posted by Diablo321

  1. Go here and here. Try using the 20MB test on each of the testmy servers and see what you get. Maybe the problem your having is with the Smartest feature.
  2. I live in houston, tx.. Dallas is 5 hours away from me.. Your distance from the Testmy.net Servers: 223.96 miles Tracing route to www.testmy.net [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 2 6 ms 7 ms 7 ms 3 7 ms 8 ms 9 ms gig2-1-1.hstntxtid-rtr2.houston.rr.com [24.28.10 1.142] 4 7 ms 9 ms 7 ms gig10-0-0.hstntxtid-rtr4.texas.rr.com [24.93.34. 110] 5 8 ms 38 ms 9 ms gig1-3-0.hstqtxl3-rtr1.texas.rr.com [72.179.205. 29] 6 8 ms 10 ms 8 ms te-1-4.car1.Houston1.Level3.net [] 7 * 16 ms 17 ms ae-5-5.ebr1.Dallas1.Level3.net [] 8 15 ms 15 ms 13 ms ae-14-55.car4.Dallas1.Level3.net [] 9 18 ms 37 ms 18 ms THE-PLANET.car4.Dallas1.Level3.net [] 10 19 ms 19 ms 20 ms te7-2.dsr02.dllstx3.theplanet.com [] 11 19 ms 25 ms 19 ms vl41.dsr01.dllstx4.theplanet.com [] 12 24 ms 20 ms 19 ms gi1-0-1.car17.dllstx4.theplanet.com [ 9] 13 18 ms 20 ms 27 ms 55.b3.1243.static.theplanet.com [] Trace complete. By the way Swimmer, that's a pretty sweet script you've got there. You made it right?
  3. The problem is most likely not with your browswer, but with spyware. Pop up blockers do not block pop ups that are not associated with a browser (or at least most of em). Your best bet would be to download an antispyware program to search and get rid it of this software. I uses Windows Defender and it works wonders for me. After the original install, you don't really have to do anything else, it does it's thing automatically. Heres the link. http://www.microsoft.com/athome/security/spyware/software/default.mspx
  4. I think ur wrong about that one.. I also have two gigs of RAM, though my memory score is 5.7. And to top that off, its dual channel kingston value ram lol... Edit: ... I just noticed in his sig it says he has ddr400, which is pc3200. Mines ddr533, which is pc4300. Possibly the difference in score?...
  5. Use Diskeeper. The built in windows degragmenter is shit compared to it. The home version is 30 bucks after you get finished with the trial. I paid 50 and got the professional version, but the home one will more than do the trick.
  6. Try this. Click on the TCP Optimizer download. After you run it, click on "Optimal Settings" at the bottom and click apply changes. See if that helps any.
  7. Do you have the same problem when you bypass your router and connect straight into the modem? The test is saying you have really bad packet loss..
  8. yeah paste the "statistics" and "more details"
  9. Run this test and see if it can pinpoint your problem. http://nitro.ucsc.edu/
  10. lol http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=18884.msg213918;topicseen#new
  11. Try using PC Inspector to look for the disk. If it does not find any hint of the drive, it's probably a hardware failure. I had the same problem with one of my data drives. During Vista setup, I had to clean up the disk in order to install for some reason. It just so happened the disk I told it to clean was the wrong one lol.. I used PC Inspector and it found all of my files. Hope that helps man..
  12. Yeah I agree with Swimmer, your problem is probably with the 2.4ghz interference. I also had this problem when I was using 2.4ghz wireless to connect my computer in a separate room. Every time the phone rang, my internet would cut off. It's strange though that I have two different brands of phones and only one brand seemed to affect the internet...
  13. Im not 100 percent sure but I do not believe this is possible. The only way to do this would to get a dual WAN router and even then it would load balance the connections so you still would not achieve double the speed... I could be wrong though...
  14. its accurate for me...
  15. quadro fx 1300 128 meg my friend stole it from a computer in one of his classes a few years ago lol.. he gave it to me because his comp didnt have a pci express slot. i would buy a new one but im waiting until geforce cards are 512 meg and have directx 10 support that are reasonably priced...
  16. 3.5.. piece of garbage quadro video card...
  17. Yeah norton is trash. It does nothing but slow down your computer. I had problems with just the antivirus, much less the internet security crap. I have fixed many computers for neighbors/friends/etc and I put AVG and Windows Defender on all of them. They have yet to have a problem with any kind of virus/spyware. I'm running Vista right now and for some reason AVG doesn't work with it, so I'm using Avast, which is equally as good. Norton = ... AVG =
  18. I agree with Junerian.. Vista is a major improvement over XP. It actually runs faster than XP in everything it does. Anyone that says you have to have buy a brand new computer to run Vista are complete retards. If you bought anything other than a "value" computer Vista should run fine. Also, Ultimate is way cool. Has anyone tried DreamScene yet? So bad ass...
  19. Try uTorrent I always get more download than upload.
  20. Personally, I prefer Western Digital and Seagate. Although I don't own a Seagate at the moment, I have heard many people complement them on how good they are, although they can be somewhat expensive. I have three drives in my computer, all from WD. One 74 gig raptor SATA for windows, one 120 gig IDE for data, and one 250 gig SATA for data. Personally, I have only had one WD fail on me in my entire life, that being one that was about 5 or 6 years old. In my opinion, WD is the best. However, I will never again in my lifetime buy a Maxtor. They make some of the worst hard drives in existance. Cheap pieces of S#!t, I had two of those things fail on me in two different computers. I have never used a Hitachi so I can't really comment on them. WD FTW!!
  21. recommended, not required.
  22. i guess you could have a few extra but i thought you were planning on putting all 10 of them in your case, which i doubt would fit without some sort of custom mounting..
  23. I think he meant no aftermarket fan. Just the one that comes with the processor.
  24. How many fans are already in your case? I would say 10 fans for one computer is way too much, unless you are planning on overclocking.
  25. Well, that might be true, but the reason I was correcting him was because he said that you needed a "dedicated" video card in order to run aero glass, which is incorrect.
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