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Everything posted by justinlay

  1. Yeah i like to overclock it, I'm not for shur this board will let me do that. The case its going in its going to get enough air flow. What i like about is it has a vent hole on the side of the case so the cpu fan just blows the heat strait out of it
  2. Yah ive been doing the intel edge for two years now. They give out some high priced hardware at a great price. Last year i got the core 2 duo 6300 and intel board, and a copy of vista ultimate for $219. Well with this quad im going to make the leap to vista, and hope everything goes well
  3. Both boards i have posted will run the quad. Im thinking of holding off on a board right now just use the board that will come with the quad. For now im just going to get the video card, and the memory
  4. Ok i have a new Intel Quad 6700 coming, and looking for a decent board to put it on. Im not real crazy for sli cause in not a hard core gamer. Heres what ive been looking at so far. I like to try and stay in the price range of the board http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=2959594&Sku=P450-9102 Memory i have picked out http://www.corsair.com/_datasheets/TWIN2X2048-6400C5DHX.pdf Video Card: http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=3048552&CatId=1558 This is the motherboard that will come with this quad, but looking for something to be a good overclocker, and stable http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/searchtools/item-Details.asp?EdpNo=3287200&sku=I69-2160
  5. I have the same monitor, and I love it!!!
  6. I had something like that happen before, but it was only like 2 months lol. I think i had the wrong zip in my billing info
  7. Welcome to the forum ronnie7118!! Hope you enjoy your stay, and come back often!! Guess you had really bad problems with BT??
  8. In my case there's to many people on one tower. Every day @ 4 my connection just goes to sh#t. But yah a underpowered hub, and the distance is going to be a big factor
  9. You dont live to far from me Frankydp. Im not for shur there is fios out there. Yah just try the number VZFiosTech have posted
  10. Welcome to the forum MikeSel^!!!!! Enjoy your stay, and come back often? Tell us a little about you connection?? What plan you have? Are you free of spyware, adware, virus? Have you try Optimizing it?
  11. you can use your current hard drive, of course you would need to uninstall your old software, and drivers, and install your new drivers. But be prepared to reactivate windows
  12. Seems like everyone is hating wildblue
  13. Thanks for the heads up
  14. Motherboards worst enemy static electricity.
  15. why create a thread then say "nfm"
  16. Welcome to the forum Leo1213!! There's alot of smartbro users on here to help you. Can you post up the plan you have.
  17. Glad to hear you can view the page now
  18. I have that same samsung monitor, And I love it!! You cant go wrong with it
  19. Them samsung are nice. I was going to get a samsung but got the philips instead.
  20. What I think is funny is every time I turn on the tv. The UPC in my bedroom will beep. I guess its on the same breaker?? The tv I have http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=8251358&productCategoryId=abcat0101001&type=product&tab=1&id=1169512521206#productdetail
  21. I think my 42 inch LCD pulls 265 watts I think, but it gives off some heat. I can almost use it for my heater for my living room
  22. Thats cool, and welcome to the forum!!!
  23. You shur? To my knowledge Insignia is made by LG, and rumors that zeneth bought out LG
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