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TraNsEdgE 01

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Everything posted by TraNsEdgE 01

  1. i'm used to AIM , this guy wont leave me alone seriously , he doesn't know anything.
  2. That also had been happening to me , it would loose sync and no internet from 8am -6pm, luckily i got 2 back up connections, also the wierd thing is that i have 2 connections from comcast and only one went out and the other stayed on . idk what happened but it stopped like 3 days ago.
  3. lol elite pete shut ur mouth kid , everyone knows it me and you internet is still bad , so dont talk shit lil kid. :flipa: :flipa:
  4. But isn't fiber like really expensive and why have it all so high-tech, its not like he runs a game center or has a sick lan party . Just don't see the point in spending all that money just for lan and not to make money off of it by hosting at least some websites or somtin.
  5. What is your package and is it a business line?
  6. What did you open it iwth.?
  7. I cant open the file. so what is the point of spending money on fiber if you don't have fiber, what is it beenficial for? How much had this project cost you and what is your upload?
  8. What is your uplaod and do you host any game servers and what did thaqt rack cost like $ wise.
  9. So what exactly is that rack for, and what kind odsl do you have, post a speed test. Thouight u had fiber?
  10. Ya , but all that cant run off 1 line, what do you use the server for?
  11. No those stats are real. RR offers that package.
  12. What connections do you have in your house and what are you paying for them, What do you use your rack for?
  13. Ya, probaly has 15/2 but no 6/3 Especially not on RR unless you have Fiber. lol nVm , llok at his upload. That definetely was cached http://www.testmy.net/s_engine.php?type=user_name&q=flammingcowz
  14. Ya i doubt you have 6/3 , RR doesn't even offer that and if they do then post an uplaod test lol.
  15. lol , FIOS kid, mad lucky
  16. I'm pretty sure that 10/1 owns 10/384, well last time i checked
  17. Exactly my point>>>>>>>>>>>>
  18. Dude , im not really sure you can own his connection, doyou pay for his bill lol. :haha: The real question is what is your upload?
  19. The server is running fine now, just happened fro those 3 days :D
  20. That package for 160$ a month is a rip off, if they still give you a limit on the amount of transfer you can use then why even pay that much? The speeds are 8/1 , and 1 to 5 static ip's to.
  21. alot higher than 3.5, you shoud be about 6.5 or double 3.5.
  22. Ya , if your not aware that is ot your test and that is cached unless it is Fios or T3
  23. Wait is that a business line , NO, IS that line shared ,YES, Do you run any servers < NO , so you may think it is a bad price but is sure as hell beats paying 350$ a month for a 384 Fractional T1.
  24. Your download is really bad, nice upload Btw, Also you have the 7/896 package.
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