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Everything posted by jamaicarocks

  1. ...they log on to the computer (with the netbios name of the domain)not the compters name , a profile is created on the local computer with username and password even though they wont have domain priviledge features when they log on .I want them to not be able to log on with the locally created account....contact the server!If the server is not connected they cant logon
  2. Wuz up, On my Lan i dont want clients to log in to domain when the server is down. I them to authenticate first..(Is this only possible using roaming profiles) or do i have convert to native mode (and all users contact the global catalog server)
  4. jamaicarocks

    Data Error

    Wuz up, Whenevr i'm downloading a file to my hard drive once that file reaches a certain point i get a error Data Clylundrical errror! I figure its the hard drive cause when i download the same file on another machine it completes(Anyone know any good software that will scan and repair my hard drive? Thanx......
  5. with convertion process from avi to vob including burning?
  6. thanx!!!!!!!!!!!!what time range do you get??
  7. jamaicarocks


    Wuz up!, I'm currently using Ultra DVD to create DVD movies from Avi. The problem is, it literally takes 29:00hr (yup a day and change)to do the convertion and burning you guys know any fast and good quality software like that? Thank you!
  8. Thanks but not just erd comm any other program u want bootable can u use any software eg nero)
  9. i just dl'ed it from azureus (it says nothing like that) I dl ok and extract and burn ok it;s just not booting from the CD
  10. jamaicarocks


    Wuzup, I downloaded a software Erd Commander which is suppose to be a bootable CD (it's not) i went and looked up how to make a cd bootable and it's quite a long process .Cant i use nero or another burning software to make a bootable disk and it works fine?? Thank you!
  11. jamaicarocks


  12. yes this is a option in managing your domain account I'll try this thanks get back to youall
  13. explain more please what is hoster site i will use simple ip address to get a static and then use this as dns
  14. why would i have to configure my clients i would want all people on the net to see my website
  15. i want anyone outside or inside to see the website
  16. This is good so i have www. in my dns pointing to my webserver(dns is on my server and IIS) ip address ..host headers of the domain i bought in IIS pointing to the folder containig the the website so i guess i am to install simple dns to get a static dns and configure dns in my network adapter settings to point to this addressas one of the dns servers ??
  17. jamaicarocks

    New Domain

    Wuz up, I bought a new Domain from godaddy.com . I installed Win2003 IIS, Dns,and named the domain the domain i bought from godaddy. When i enter www.mydomain.com i get godaddys web page saying this page has been parked free courtesy of godaddy.com. how do i delete godadday's page and append my website?,so when you enter www.mydomain.com you go to my website ?. Thank you!!
  18. Thanks alot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. jamaicarocks


    Wuz up , I downloaded a movie using azureus ,the size is 2gb but it does'nt have any avi or playable movie files, just pure zip and compressed files (about 30 compressed files) how do i play this?? Thank you!
  20. thanks !!
  21. so there isnt a program to do some conversion???from read only
  22. thanks man so will this work with other readonly documents i download???
  23. hello!! I have a excel document doing for a project and made it read only ..now i open the file trying to add somthing and it says error it's a read only .. how do i fix thiss? thanks
  24. jamaicarocks


    I'm using a server and NAT to give clients internet connectivity i'm using also azureus and did port forwarding ,portforwarding works when i directly connect to the router. but i need to configure port forwarding with NAT enabled on the server so the open port is also opened to the one client. when i specify the clients dhcp assigned ip address, for portforwarding it dosent work but works when i connect directly to the router it does (configure a static client dhcp address from the server) what do i do!!! thanks
  25. THANKS GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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