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Everything posted by jamaicarocks

  1. what connection are you supposed to have is it 256k 512k or what? and your getting this speed now? (which seems normal)
  2. I dont think DNS leases ip addresses do you mean dhcp?
  3. Thanks I'll try setting the mail server to use port 25 to send and see!
  4. jamaicarocks


    Wuz up, I just started hosting my own mailserver using Microsoft exchange 2003 .i dont have a static so i'm using no-ip dns service to solve that. Everything works great and i can send emails to any email account but cant receive any..I added a MX record in dns and forwarded port 25(oh yeah i can send and receive email internally just fine it's just receiving them) It's a new service so wondering if the MX record name hasnt propugated enough yet(dont know) (help please) Thank you!!
  5. Best advive is to troubleshoot with another pc if u have one......
  6. THANX ALOT!!!!
  7. I really think a bit more info like ur connection speed would help!!.......maybe i'm wrong ....who knows??
  8. jamaicarocks


    I Built my website and using win 2003 to host it .My connection is 512dwn and 332up .It works fine on the lan very fast.Will all of this change when i publish it on the internet and how many people can be accomadated at a time.My server is a old a 256mb ,,1.6GHz processor,,
  9. THANX !!!!
  10. sorry 700mhz proce and 2546mb ram (thats all)
  11. jamaicarocks


    Just go into routing and remote services and just forward the port you want to the machine you want after you forwarded it on the router .. thanks for the help!!
  12. THANKS!
  13. so will dat on the lan trasfer at full 100mbps?
  14. so what ur saying is information on the lan will be faster at full 100mbps and internet connection speed will remain
  15. jamaicarocks

    Wire Specs

    Wuz up, A customer who has a 64kbps dl at 2k-4k isdn connection, is using 10mbps cable for cables, wants to change out the cabling to 100mbps cables .She presumes that this change will make her connection faster. On reasoning alone , i told her this is doubtful because the cable supports 10mbps and would allow dl-ing at a much higher speed than 4k, so having a connection that cant exhaust the current cabling system you have now, and want a faster cable with the hope of getting faster dl speed by gettinga 100 mbps cable which will give greater bandwidth throughput wont help. (Is this wrong explain if so please?) Thank you!!
  16. THANKS ALOT GHOSTMASTER thats the answer serial to ethernet converter.... THANKS!
  17. what ur talking about is a dsl router ?brand cisco?? with the cisco 2600 u'll have you use a terminal service tool to log not eg hyperterminal
  18. PEOPLE LIKE VOLTAGEMAN MAKE THIS SITE GREAT It is a Cisco C2500 Software (C2500-JS-M), Version 12.1(9)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) Copyright © 1986-1999 by Boson Software, Inc. Compiled Wed 07-Apr-99 15:53 by pwade Image text-base: 0x80008084, data-base: 0x80A554CC
  19. PLEASE its simple if you dont know anything about the topic posted just................off .......i mean turn off your computer sorry!!
  20. UR right on incorrect posting !!! but this site is here to help people not to redirect them to other sites for help ......................where the problem can be explained in a few words ...spoonfeeding is partly what this site is here to do (to simplyfy solving a problem so u dont have to go and download manuals or do research. THATS WHY WE ARE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lets keep it that way Thank you
  21. i understand but the question is directed to cisco administrators who deal with routers everyday that would say what type of router they are familiar with, and the type of cables used (nothing i ask is for anyone to go and stress themselves over reading manuals i just would like answers based on experience if you have none .dont answer) Thank you!!!!
  22. Yeah for 4 things, you want me download a whole manual. If you dont know just dont answer!! jeeess!!
  23. Try booting from OS cd-rom and repairing .
  24. Wuz up, I know a fair amount of cisco programming and haventwent to any classes so i dont know how to connect my pc to my cisco router I know you need a serial cable ... I know you need a crossover cable.... BUT I dont know do you need both cables connected ? And which program do u use to go into the router and get to program interface? And does cisco routers have dhcp cause i see alot of diagrams with just the router and switch then client network?
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