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Everything posted by jamaicarocks

  1. jamaicarocks


    Wuz up, I bought a new clone system........ MSI board ,730mb RAM and a 2.8GHz AMD Sempron , but for some reason I can only get 1.6 Ghz which is the speed of my old processor (which is stupid!!! for me to put up with and it costs more)...How do I increase this ......I tried changing settings in the Bios but they are Greyed out ...Is there any other way.........Software to buy or somthing? Thanks!
  2. RESTART in safe mode then try to delete
  3. jamaicarocks


    Yeah thanks all! I did specify a dns when i set the static I am about to read up on this forum ,i think it will help but it dosent say anything about not being able to access any webpages, Thanks!
  4. jamaicarocks


    THANKS ! I tried the static even with a different ip but no different .... Still can use any IM service except Msn and cant browse the internet. Is Dll Data link library... thats what u mean? u kinda would have to explian more what really am I supposed to google..and how it relates to this problem. Thanks!
  5. jamaicarocks


    KEWL.....Thanks i'll try it ............another thing i forgot to mention is that this is a newly installed OS and just tried getting on the net and stuff,and was faced with this problem.....Another thing is i can connect with skype and yahoo but cant open webpages eg msn.com etc, i lowered the security and everything and it still wont browse the internet....... all other machines work fine except this one! PLEASE help me with this! Thanks again!
  6. jamaicarocks


    Wuz up, On my network right..i have a bunch of computers , and i recently added 1 more.I can connect to the internet fine and everything ..can log on to skype icq and any other IM service exept MSN .I'm using win xp sp2...and it's not the firewall cause i disabled it and checked the port msn messenger 7.5 and allow this program to to connect o the internet ,yet when it tries to log on it cant so it gives u a troubleshooting screen ...it does it scan and finds that it's still the "key port" section that is blockedbut all firewall is disabled what can i else do? Thanks!!
  7. Are u willing to pay ......or do u want the service free cause u know??
  8. I'll look through it thanks!!
  9. Thanks will try it!
  10. kewl
  11. I changed the smtp settings to accept any Relay servers but still no luck
  12. Wuz up, I got infected with a spyware and after doing a check and finding the spyware and deleting ,everything is back to normal except the Diplay settings. When I want to change the background pic or size or colour ..Its greyed out and cant adjust anything (like i dont have the permissions or somthin to change it......How would i fix this Thanks!!
  13. can you open a webpage or browse the net during this time?
  14. I guess .... so there is a section for smtp ...i would most likely have to turn it off where it blocks outside ip address ..but I dont see anything like that ... know what to look for really ?
  15. WUZ UP, I cant connect to my mail server(exchange server) from external locations ..........like setup an email account using microsoft outlook .........I can send mail .....and receive mail from and to other account providerseg.yahoo.. but not create an account outside my Lan ........I Create an MS outlook account from internal Lan with an account on my mailserver but cant setup an account externally(outside my network) .....and i can ping my mailserver...do you know why this is... or have any suggestions?? thanks.........
  16. No I have a mailserver ..........and can use a email address given by mail server to send or receive mail ........but i cant connect externally to the mail server with the given account(outside the network)........say my email address is [email protected] ........i can log into that account(connect to my exchange server) internally using ms outlook ......... but cant connect outside the lan using ms outlook to send or receive mail.
  17. WUZ UP, I cant connect to my mail server from external locations ..........like setup an email account using microsoft outlook .........I can send mail .....and receive mail from and to external llocations but not create an account ........I can do this though from my internal network do you know why or have any suggestions?? thanks.........
  18. Good one!!!!!!!!!!!............lol.......lol.. I'l have to use this ....................kewl!!! you rock!!
  19. Wuz up, Can internet printing work over SSl....? Thank You......
  20. THANKS ALOT!! i'll try buying the program..................................
  21. Wuz up, I just got a hard drive and configured it just right...setting up mail server,dns etc then restarted to image and backup then receive error system cant start cause win.sys file is missing so i try to repair .....it cant be repaired cause drive errors....so i scandisk and fix errors but there are some errors that cant be fixed......now when i try imaging it tells me cant continue cause error reading disk ...i successfully created a back up of the system state though ....but with errors (could'nt open some files was )(some picture files or somthin) Is there any way i can get the os exactly like it was or is there a way to let norton ghost and continue during errors?? Thanks!!
  22. jamaicarocks


    Kewl thanks!!
  23. jamaicarocks


    What if i want to clone the drive??(will ghost work on servers??)
  24. jamaicarocks


    thanks my hard drive is going so I'm getting a new one ...... So when I install 2003 on the new drive.......... To get back everything like how it was do i restore the backup or should i create a image (will it allow me to create an image seening that the hard drive is bad??) if so which image software you think is best???
  25. jamaicarocks


    Wuz up, Just would like to know the best best backup software for Win 2003 server........ backing up registry and everything?? Thanks!!!!
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