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Everything posted by boywonder

  1. Thanks everyone for their advece. Apparently they said they sent a letter out that it was due on the 6th. Again the one and only one I received said the 14th. I followed CA3LE's advice and called back (after I slept on it
  2. So get this... I've been in the hospital the last 3 days, quarantined for what they thought may have been TB. Released back to normalcy today the 12th, returned home this evening to find my modem DSL light flashing. I went through the power off / reboot and then on to a 30/30/30 reset steps and could not connect. Called support, and was told that my account was suspended for non payment
  3. Sweet! So we know we can retrieve those speeds. FWIW ... If I were you I'd run through the pass change and modem 30/30/30 reset one more time during non peak hours. Yeah I have pretty much given up on opening telnet on that modem I may start looking at other modems options other than Frontiers branded one if that is they allow it.
  4. Interesting enough that if they would throttle anything it would be torrents not so much HTTP. I'm actually shocked that CA3LE has not implemented a throttle detection script yet If you want to be certain, check out this one at http://broadband.mpi-sws.org/transparency/glasnost.php. If they are indeed then would going through a good VPN service help?
  5. I wish I could Only thing "smart" about my TV is my laptop plugs into it. Best resource for such would be XDA Dev though.
  6. That's a big difference I assume you have gone through the usual checks so give this a try, go to https://security.frontier.com/acctedit/log into your account and change your email password, this will also change your PPP pass as well. Once changed do a 30/30/30 (important) reset on the modem and run the setup process over with your new pass. I did this after my speeds dropped and saw a 30% speed increase. Have you tried connecting directly to your NID?
  7. It's actually quite easy on most modems / custom firmwares and is nothing new. As you assumed... There is nothing wrong with my wiring. My modem is direct connected into the NID with a 6' line. There is but only 1 phone jack in the entire house that was installed specifically for the internet. That of which I since re-routed to remove any chance of inerference. We do not have a land line. While I haven't dived into the line length yet.. I am lucky to have DSL out here, and have been capped at 3 down with no chance of upgrading, and get close to that during off peak hours. A tweak is a tweak, and when combined together even if you can squeeze minute amount it adds up. While my SNR is actually acceptable for me I still would like to adjust what I can.
  8. Actually, since you may gain root and install busybox on a Smart Tv.. it should be possible.
  9. Oh what memories... Is ROM and Cholla MIA?
  10. Hi Conuck, That's to log into my admin interface. I'm actually trying to open a cmd prompt and telnet the 7550 router and adjust my SNR. It may not be possible with this router as Frontier may have it blocked, but for the love of tweaking have to try.
  11. Hi guys, Long time I need to know how to open a telnet session on the Westell/ Netgear 7550 Frontier modem. Everything I tried has came to a dead end. Thanks!
  12. Dig up my entire front yard along the side of the road and bury wires, that will be used for Fios internet to the school directly across from me. ( All without my knowledge and consent) Just woke up one day and bam there this big a$$ digging machine in my yard . However when I call and call they claim I cannot get Fios or any other type of high speed internet other than the crappy Wildblue I'm currently on. Now whats wrong with that picture? I mean the cables are ran literally 30 -40 feet in front of my door step.
  13. Try this http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-replies.cfm?t=1091391&p=2#r34 You will also need to pick up an copy of http://www.paessler.com/prtg
  14. simi-dimpskin ~ welcome to the forums. I'm currious what init code did you put in?
  15. Oh yes it would be very cool...found some info Internet Ham Radiol information on packet radio
  16. I just had a If someone had 2 ham radios, since you are (if you have a license) allowed to transmit signals across the world, you could hook one radio to your modem and another to your laptop... and there you go, world-wide wireless internet... true, some people might steal it if they realize it is a modem connection and they somehow got your IP (and turned off DHCP) but do you guys think this would be possible? EDIT: Yeah 100th post Sr. Member now
  17. Glad you were able to see some nice results.The two DirecTV boxes were prob. a big culprit that was hindering your speed.
  18. Yes sir I did so...I'm back on Diskeeper now though so everything is smooth
  19. So I gave Diskeeper at try...the trial period has ended, now my Win defragmenter wont opperate. When I click analyze and defragment nothings happens..Has anyone ever had this problem before?
  20. terrific...thanks for answering such a n00b question
  21. Strange thing this happens on my cousins adsl as well...
  22. I would like to split my cousins DSL connection so that we may play Socom 3 online in the same house with two PS2's whenever I visit him How do I go about doing so? What hardware is needed?
  23. Thought I'd contribute as well
  24. recpoker.com
  25. Yes it is a great program. I came across it a little while back on here, another member posted it. So I thought I'd give it a try, found some that Ad-Aware, SpyBot and AVG missed!!
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