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Everything posted by JimPrice
blti: Post a speed test in here (up and down) of your installation, done in prime-time hours, with a validaton link. That'd get my attention.
Welcome oldiebut. That's good that you got your money back, but that'll probably keep the AG satisfied. I had a very good learning experience with the AG office inf AZ, and they're take was that if the company eventually performs, by way of delivery or refund, they throw the complaint to the bottom of the pile. They want the non-performers who keep the money. But you can still hope.
I get about 91 in NE Oklahoma (bigger dish than most, though)
offering dway 3000, 4000, 6000 and 7000 help
JimPrice replied to riteshnig2003's topic in HughesNet (DIRECWAY)
I don't know,Dawn, everything looks pretty good to me. You'd need someone onsite at this point, but DirecWay would give you the usual "that falls within the advertised speed range" crap if you called them. -
offering dway 3000, 4000, 6000 and 7000 help
JimPrice replied to riteshnig2003's topic in HughesNet (DIRECWAY)
Log into: And look in the left-hand menu items for Force Ranging. It's near the bottom. Click this and a small pp-up window will appear, letting you know it's optimizing network timing. When this reads something to the effect of "Ranging unnecessary", or something like that, close the little window, and refresh the main one. Look for the 4/5 rate code. If you don't get it, try again. Sometimes it takes several times. When you get it, re-test your speeds at non-peak hours. You should see a noticeable improvement with your uploads. -
offering dway 3000, 4000, 6000 and 7000 help
JimPrice replied to riteshnig2003's topic in HughesNet (DIRECWAY)
offering dway 3000, 4000, 6000 and 7000 help
JimPrice replied to riteshnig2003's topic in HughesNet (DIRECWAY)
*tips hat* -
offering dway 3000, 4000, 6000 and 7000 help
JimPrice replied to riteshnig2003's topic in HughesNet (DIRECWAY)
Actually, that's technician And unless you work in the NOC, I don't think you can help much. -
Horrible Direcway (6000) speeds for me, too!
JimPrice replied to phrankl's topic in DW6000 Information
Some of the info in the dslreports faq is either missing or needs to be updated, as the list of 89W freq's are incomplete. -
Horrible Direcway (6000) speeds for me, too!
JimPrice replied to phrankl's topic in DW6000 Information
Horrible Direcway (6000) speeds for me, too!
JimPrice replied to phrankl's topic in DW6000 Information
For me, 1170 is on 89W (IA8), but other sats may use this freq also. To check your stats, type this into your browser and click go: -
40kbs on a 7000 Pro system on 4000 satellite HELP!
JimPrice replied to Crispy Niggets's topic in DW7000 Information
Ooops. I'm on IA8. About the recomendation for a larger dish, don't do it unless you're in an area notable for low signal strength. Personally, I run with a 1.2 meter dish, but that's to keep my uplink during bad weather, and I paid quite handsomely for that perk. You'll see no difference in performance speed-wise with a larger dish, assuming your dish is pointed correctly. -
40kbs on a 7000 Pro system on 4000 satellite HELP!
JimPrice replied to Crispy Niggets's topic in DW7000 Information
Last night around 8 PM, I pulled a best download of about 325kb. This morning (6:00 AM, Oklahoma) I'm blazing. Speed tests early this morning: :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 1071 Kbps about 1.1 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Download Speed is:: 131 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Fri Jan 13 05:53:17 CST 2006 Bottom Line:: 19X faster than 56K 1MB download in 7.82 sec Diagnosis: Looks Great : 17.82 % faster than the average for host (direcpc.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-V0IP92NEM :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 203 Kbps about 0.2 Mbps (tested with 579 kB) Upload Speed is:: 25 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server1) Test Time:: Fri Jan 13 05:55:46 CST 2006 Bottom Line:: 4X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 40.96 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 174.32 % faster than the average for host (direcpc.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-Q9G6IBOD7 Can you say oversold? -
The lie detector you'll never know is there
JimPrice replied to organ_shifter's topic in General Discussion
So where are your facts? C'mon FallowEarth. They're not "my" facts, they're our facts- our National History. Don't be lazy and challenge me to be your private tutor- research your nation's history for yourself. If this thread hasn't stirred your curiosity yet, then chances are nothing will. I think this quote is appropo: "If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home in peace, we seek not your coucil nor your arms. Kneel down and lick the hand that feeds you, may your chains weigh lightly upon you, and may posterity forget we were ever countrymen." -Samuel Adams In other words, if you don't care enough to educate yourself about it, and do your part to mantain it, you've already lost it. But don't take my word for it- look for yourself. -
The lie detector you'll never know is there
JimPrice replied to organ_shifter's topic in General Discussion
Sounds like you attended propaganda classes. Nope. I actually paid attention in history class. Nice jab, though. Points for effort. The right to bear arms, IMO, is more like the foundation of a feudal society By your admission, that is your humble opinion. If you knew your history, you could speak with knowledge, not opinions. Don't get me wrong, I don't slight the importance of personal opinions- they define who we are as individuals. But your opinion in no way changes historical fact. And fact, not one man's opinion, is better served across a citizenry. And I second Cholla's well thought point. It would be nice to think that Utopia exists, where discussion and debate alone will solve problems, but that's not reality. The framers of the constitution realized that, thank God; they had some spine, and made provisions to ensure that we would have more recourse than just words. Let me ask you: If someone threatened you or your family, would you point out how uncivilized and violent the aggressors were being? Or would you take some action and protect your family? -
The lie detector you'll never know is there
JimPrice replied to organ_shifter's topic in General Discussion
The right to bear arms is the foundation of a free society! Didn't you stay awake in history??? The founding fathers knew that no government has the capacity to let their citizens stay free forever, no matter how pure the initial start might have been. Ultimately, power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The most important reason for the right to bear arms is because those that came before us knew that weaponry in the hands of citizens would one day be the only means by which they could throw out a tyrannical government. As a bonus, knowing the citizens are armed gives caution and restraint to the gvernment, thereby slowing down the rate at which they would dare to institute tyranny over the people. Defending your country does NOT always mean against foreign powers. Even our own present-day government recognizes this, and when I swore into the USMC, I vowed to protect this land from all enemies, foreign and domestic. I'm amazed you have formed such strong opinions while seeming to know little aout the subject. -
The lie detector you'll never know is there
JimPrice replied to organ_shifter's topic in General Discussion
the difference between a revolutionary and a terrorist is that a terrorist is a failure and therefore branded a criminal by the regime he tried to harm while a revolutionary is successful or termed a revolutionary by someone that supports his cause. Bingo! Now we're getting to the meat and potatoes. Might makes right is not necessarily moral, but it is nevertheless true. and can we agree that some of the things in the constitution are seriously dated and need to be looked at? not necessarily to change the whole thing, just to bring things up to date? I don't think so. That is premised on the assumption that we derive our rights FROM the constitution. If you study your history, you'll find that to be patently false. The constitution doesn't give us anything. It simply acknowledged what we already had, as given to us by "our Creator". While I suppose it could be changed to add acknowledgements of rights we might have overlooked when it was first written, I don't see how existing rights it has already acknowledged can have simply changed or become modified all by themselves. Maybe I don't get your point. What do you think has become "dated"? -
Ouch. I live in the boonies. I fork over about 60 bucks a month for about 1 meg down and 128 up via satellite. In all fairness, it's not too bad considering that I get to live in peace with gorgeous views, and no longer experience or hear about obnoxious car stereos, shootings, or home invasions. I'm one of the luckier ones that has had a fairly pleasant experience with satellite internet delivery. From what I read here, I'm the exception, not the rule.
The lie detector you'll never know is there
JimPrice replied to organ_shifter's topic in General Discussion
Being "honest and having nothing to hide" has little to do with an American citizens's right to a reasonable expectation of privacy. It assumes that because "Joe" thinks his own life is nobody else's business, "Joe" must be an evil murderous bastard hiding something horrible from the rest of the world. What would Jesus do? I suppose He would do whatever He feels is right- it's one of the perks of being Omnipotent. On the other hand, I suppose he might do unto others as He would have them do unto Him. So perhaps He might caution YOU not to blindly judge whether or not MY right to privacy is uneeded, and might further suggest that you take care to set your own house in order. Consider this: The moment we give up our basic rights in FEAR of terrorist actions- they've won. Terrorism is loosely defined as altering your enemy's behaviour through the use of tactics designed to instill fear, thereby causing the behavior change desired. By your own admission, I would guess terrorist logic is sucessfull on a person such as yourself. -
The lie detector you'll never know is there
JimPrice replied to organ_shifter's topic in General Discussion
Laws are not made by someone filing a petition. That is the business of the legislative branch. The taking of a life is already defined as illegal, and is such already a matter of law. While I agree with you that the legislative branch does re-introduce the same attempts disguised differently, in order to push their agendas, your example of killing a group of individuals only barely passes as an analogy. Discrimination is illegal as a matter of law, as is murder. Therefore your analogy bears no real-world signifigance to what could occur. I also agree with you that those that would rise against unjust leadership are often branded as terrorists. The best example is our forefathers- traitors in life, and heroes to us all, only long after they were dead. As for Tim McVey, if he truly was the one who perpetrated that act, he was no valient hero, and is no example for the cause of patriotism. He killed innocent civillians with no regard. Heroes can give up their own lives if they wish, but they have no right sacrificing innocents upon the alter of their convictions. I like Sam Houston's quotes as well. -
The lie detector you'll never know is there
JimPrice replied to organ_shifter's topic in General Discussion
Since when are politicians supposed to be honerable? Prentending that our political system will do what's right some day because they ought to know what's right is foolish thinking, and a waste of time. Those in power for their own benefit will never have it taken away by means of the very system they run. The only way to get them to give it up is to forcibly take it from them. You sound so sincere in your ranting that I wonder whether this simple fact has ever crossed your mind. As far as the Supreme Court's decision for Bush goes, calling it illegal is absurd even if for only the following two reasons: 1. They're the Supreme Court, and therefore, the final word in the land. They may make silly or unfair decisions from time to time, but they are the final arbiter of legality. 2. Regarding # 1, we the people let them stay that way. It's all on us. Illegal? No. unrighteous? Perhaps. About the Patriot Act? I agree with you that it goes too far. But again,ranting aout it's questionable legality is akin to noticing your house is on fire and complaining about how unfair that is instead of grabbing a water hose. I respect all whohave died before me in the name of American freedom. But they too, didn't bitch about how it should be. They grabbed the proverbial water hose and and gave their lives actually fighting the fire. Thomas Jefferson once said something along the lines of "Occasionally the tree of liberty must be replenished with blood", or something like that. Regardless of exactly how he put it, the meaning rings clear: Leaders forget, and soon complaining and reminding won't do the trick. Sometimes you have to take stronger measures to remind those leaders that they are actually suposed to be servants of the people they govern. /soapbox -
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How many people here make their own ethernet cords?
JimPrice replied to i2d | ScruFFy |'s topic in General Discussion
Is there any other way to get them? -
..."Because I heard it from the guy who knows this kid that's dating the girl who has this uncle who knows this lady who's kid saw Ferris pass out in the Thirty-one flavor's last night!"
If it quit raining why is it nit on yet?
JimPrice replied to tommie gorman's topic in HughesNet (DIRECWAY)
Make your own weather cover. If you have a bigger dish (.98m or 1.2m) like I do, it's a snap: 1. Get a bottle of pre-mixed window washer fluid. (I'm not kidding). 2. Cut off the top, so when you're done, the open end is the same diameter as the closed bottom. Peel off the label, unless you don't mind your cover looking on par with a cool-whip-container-turned salad bowl. 3. The open end is now the exact size as to be a perfect fit over the feedhorn, so remove the feedhorn/trans assembly as one unit, and CAREFULLY secure it in a vise. 4. Slide your homemade cover over the feedhorn. No need to slide it on very far, just enough to where it overlaps by 1/4 of an inch or so. Make sure it's level and true...not on at a weird angle. 5.Secure with an unbroken bead of caulk. I used a $1 tube of bath white caulking. 6.When dry, cut a 3 inch long rectangle shaped opening out of closed end. Cut this so that when the feedarm is re-installed, this vent hole is centered side-to-side, but on the bottom end of the cover. This does 2 things: (1) allows water to drain out that might be driven inside by a strong gale. (2) keeps condensation from forming on your cover by keeping equal the temps/dewpoints inside and outside the cover. 7.Re-install your feedhorn/trans assembly. Mine's been like this from day one. No loss of RSL, and keeps everything protected in wind,snow, and rain. And yes, I have been called anal-retentive before, as a matter of fact.