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Was told we can't link images in our signatures.. Must be a text link to the site.. Had to remove mine, so just giving ya a heads up before they even message you.. Regards - - VyraX - -
Cool Beans, a fellow NewYorker.. So I see they don't have it in Astoria New York yet.. Any clue if you have any info when they might be installing it?? Wish we had a TOWER set up over here.. Be easier to slame out a signal off of a business connection so we all could have fast speeds.. Or even access to a 5 story building that overlooks the surrounding buildings would work.. Who knows maybe in the near future we could get a TOWER set-up around here for wireless backhauls, for direct connections with the fiber optic.. Be great if we could find more people that would want to get on, so we could organize something for trying to connect over long distances.. Just got my hands on some new WiMAX gear, that they use to install in NYC.. Probably going to just resell it.. Either way you can build wireless backhauls, P2P connections with ease.. Have two directional antennas here that are rated 27dbi, should do about 25miles with no Amp.. Then again I have two 1AMP units, that would probably slame out the signal even further... Food for Thought - - VyraX - -
Nice - the Long Island area of New York should have it relatively soon. It appears they installed it almost completely over here. We should have it with in a two month mark. Should be interesting. We need to get the 10mbit up / 50mbit down business package and share it Blunted! We can limit speeds for both of our networks so no one steals the other's half. You get 5mbit and I get 5mbit - and when no one is using the bandwidth we both can max it out at 10mbit. Bounce the connection with the wifi-gear.. I'm already paying $120 a month with speakeasy.net, so it doesn't make a big difference to me. Probably be saving money - and getting the best package we can get.. Regards, - - VyraX - -
So I guess Time Warner / Cox Cable / Optimum Online / Road Runner / Earthlink / AOL Broadband aren't the same?? To me buddy these are the same company.. Just different names.. They are in direct relation to one another.. Convenient truth.. Tell me why AT&T, SpeakEasy, Sprint, COVAD, XO-Communications .. Are not among the names that share their "open network" ?? Food for the Thought Process - - VyraX - -
Well I'm sure you are stating a scenario that is few and far between.. Nothing like that is near me, so wish I could agree with you.. Obviously I can't, because its not true around me.. Cable Internet Service Providers are closed networks.. A lot of people on here would agree with that statement regardless of being able to expand to AOL Broadband which is for children, and costs an additional fee... Regardless if this was true in the case of a "open network" why would AT&T have a lawsuit against Optimum Online and others? Reason being, not able to have access to compete on their private network.. Which their wires are ran on the same poles that Verizon hangs their wires.. Which they are required to "open network" to other service providers.. Like I said, Double Standard.. Regards, VyraX
How much time do you spend on the net & why?
VyraX replied to monsnet2k8's topic in General Discussion
Currently I am using Kerio Personal Firewall, think they stop releasing updates and they removed it from the main website. The last version works fine tho, and give you a lot of ability to block ips, and watch what is connecting in and out, also provides warnings if software is trying to connect in and connect outbound to the internet. If anything you can find around if need be.. Damn is that Torrential rain or what? -
Honestly, AT&T has a pending lawsuit against a lot the major Cable Internet Service Providers. Cause of the simple fact that they currently don't share the coaxle with other Internet Service Providers. So until these current Cable ISP's have to open up their network to other competitors. I will still support the open network providers like the new MaBELL's of today which is clearly Verizon. When I was in the Co-Location facilities in NY, they had atleast 10-12 Cages for ISP's to rent/lease/etc. That is only fair in a competitive market place. A cable company that provides service and claims to be the best at what they do is lying. How the hell does anyone even know if there is anything better if all they can get is cable coaxle to their location and one service provider. Basically they are the only provider on the line, and who ever is the end user gets stuck with what ever they get dealt. That is the problem with closed network cable internet providers that is everywhere today. I don't know one network that is open to more than one internet service provider on cable coaxle. On the other hand copper lines have to share to other competitors. This is a double standard, which someone has to correct. Food for thought, - - VyraX - -
How much time do you spend on the net & why?
VyraX replied to monsnet2k8's topic in General Discussion
Since AOL has purchased WINAMP or whoever took it over.. They removed Grove Salad from the listing when you use the list feature inside winamp for viewing streams... Just goto shoutcast.com now. Where you can easily find all the music streams.. Also blocked all IP ADDRESSES inside my firewall that try to auto connect when you start winamp.. Because I use a older-version that works great, and I don't need winamp notifying me everytime it starts telling me that my winamp is overdue.. Plus I'd rather not have winamp knowing what music I'm currently playing.. Here you can find older versions of WiNAMP Regards, - - VyraX - - -
I'm not saying Cable is horrible.. Here is my main reason for being completely against my Cable Internet Provider - Optimum Online. When they first introduced the cable Modem to our area we were getting speeds up to 800KB/sec from Modem to Modem. Now how can you introduce a service like that, and feel they have the right to remove it and give out a crappy 60-80KB/sec right after having 800KB/sec.. For me.. It turned me off to my Local Cable Provider..
So you mean I can have a strand of Fiber installed from your Cable Company.. For $45,000 USD?? You know what, I'll pass... Can get a package with Verizon FIOS for 5mbit up and 30mbit down for $105 USD a Month.. Once Fiber hits my town - I will be advertising for them for FREE !!
Well my Servers and RackMount Equipment will be waiting until cable can offer a package that suits our needs. While me and many others wait, we'll use Verizon FIOS for hosting anything related to business! For all that want to search the web blindly, go right ahead and use Cable Service. Simple.. - - VyraX - -
Well this might be in your area, but over here mostly everything is done by the Verizon Employees.. Even the work being contracted out is being done by a friend's company that I know personally.. (SpeedWire Inc.) You know what, they are Union.. So atleast I know the work being done in my area is going to be top notch when it comes to speeds and uptime.. Everything will be brand spanking new, nothing existing.. That in all respects is the best thing about it.. My buddies company has Verizon Contracts in Florida, Virginia and all the way down to Dominican Republic.. From what I understand he and his employees keep up on their work, and do not cut corners.. Its a large Contract, this isn't a scenario where his company was the lowest bidder.. More along the lines, he was the best equipped to do the job.. I've worked in the Verizon Co-Locations in my area do DSL Installs, of Digital Subscriber Set-ups (DSLAMs).. Let me tell you, they are up on what they do, we would be reprimanded if our work wasn't neat.. Now who else would forward calls and have Managers for each CoLocation that looks over work being done.. Verizon are the only company I know that has successfully let other companies use their copper telephone lines and have such success. You think the cable companies would nearly have that success if they let AT&T on their co-axle?? I highly doubt it.. They would actually have to compete!! Regards, - - VyraX - -
Regardless I'm getting the FIOS business package, where yes I will be hosting everything off of it.. Already have my rack set-up for serving web-pages, teamspeak, and some gaming.. With the Verizon FiOS Business Package they can't say anything, you are aloud to host whatever you want! In regards to FIOS being bad in any respect. How could it be any worse than Optimum Online? Or any other cable service for that matter.. They limit your upstream on port 80 to 128kbit.. What a joke, who in their right mind would put up with such a thing.. It's basically limiting a form of your rights, regardless of the TOS. Personally I call it "Internet Starvation Blockade." That Optimum Online / Time-Warner / Cox Cable any many others are in on.. I have had pipes to Canada completely shut off.. Now you mean to tell me that a HUGE ISP doesn't have good connections to Canada?? I'm in New York, and they all of a sudden have no connection what-so-ever or limited speeds to Canada?? What a joke.. Now that I am on SPEAKEASY.NET they get the full 5mbit down from Canadian Servers.. Optimum Online, can .. Well, Don't think I'll say what I really want them to do with their connection.. Nothing is worse than Cable Companies.. FIOS is a Union made company!! Workers get paid what they deserve, there-for, the work gets done right.. Another thing, me and Blunted 2 have friends with FIOS .. They have been pulling full speeds since they bought it.. So I'm sorry hosting off the regular packages is aloud, and not limited to any degree.. We've seen some friends pull TeraBytes a month, without any hick-ups from Verizon.. Try that with a typical cable service.. This is all UpStream, no-less.. Don't care if Cable Companies get hurt in the process.. Telephone companies were the original MABELL!! They deserve the come back.. Regards, - - VyraX --
Optimum Online keeps your logs of all your activity for 1 MONTH!!! Then they supposedly destroy it, or you never know it could be backed up outside of their localized servers. So if they need to see what activity you have been doing they just search the 1 Month log. Again, this is just their "local" logs, and buffers. Who knows if they are aloud to forward backups outside of the system, basically a loophole for getting around privacy protection. That is why I no longer have optimum online, not trustworthy in my book. Got off the bandwagon and joined SPEAKEASY.NET .. Can't complain, great service.. When FiOS hits I'm moving off SPEAKEASY.NET and jumping on fiber. We should have it end of 2007 - and that is s00n!! See them installing it on the poles in my neighborhood, trucks running around like mad. I continue to give them thumbs up everytime i see them.. Food For Thought.. - - VyraX - -
This guy have anymore for that price?? I'm still using my HP LaserJet 4050n. Which I found in the garbage and it wasn't even used that much, the cartridge must of been near new, because this thing still prints even after all the paper we have put through it. Even had the Network Module for an Internal Printer Server. Really is a great printer, even tho its Black and White, it has a 10,000 print yeild on the cartridge life. Sure you could pick up one of those cheap if anyone is looking for a fast realiable black and white laserjet printer. Really is something that belongs in an office, but I can not argue. Its a FREEBIE!! They even threw-out a p3-733mhz Dell and 19" Screen.. Gotta love stumbling upon a good find.. Morning to all that are Reading this! - - VyraX - -
Its also how fast you eat, a lot of people do not realize that it takes 15minutes for your brain to register that your stomach is full. So for the people who can take down a FULL PIZZA in 15minutes, this might be a problem. Not even considering that they might be stretching their stomach out, which isn't good also. That is why you see a lot of people getting the stomach surgery where they cut the size down to the size of an egg. Better off just taking your time, eat slow, and give yourself time to register your fullness. (15 Minutes) Or if you have a munching habit like I do, just eat a BAG OF APPLES.. -- VyraX --
Our food has changed more in the past 30 years by human design than it has in the past 5,000 years by natural means. So its no wonder why we have a hard time eating simple and fresh. Its probably easier to eat fresh and simple in an area where you have farm-land. My wife visits Poland time to time and she always says they live off the land. Everything they get is organic, nothing has a hormone or any preservatives what-so-ever. The cows are skinny and the bread, milk only last a couple of days. Because its all REAL.. So its no wonder America is the land of the large. We are all pumped up on hormones and preservatives, deep fried EVERYTHING and it just sits in our system and doesn't process easily. They really need to come up with more Advertisement warning about health risks of eating deep fried foods, and junk. Anti-McDonalds Advertisements. Not trying to counter act the subject with weight loss pills and methods that just complicate the situation and the person's body for that matter. Food for the Thought Process, VyraX..
The best is the commercials you see on TV for these obese pills.. The one is very short - - It says "You need relacore, You need relacore.." So now I'm to think that I NEED THIS CRAP?? Yea sure, what a joke.. You have no clue what this stuff does to you, yet somehow we need it.. All of a sudden they will be telling you 10 years down the line that this stuff now gives you cancer.. Or you won't have the ability to have kids.. What is with this influx of drug commercials on TV anyway, what do they think America is a testing ground for all these new drugs?? Here is the simple truth : you don't need any of these things, yet they tell you the opposite.. HA! Food for the thought Process!.. Regards, VyraxiuM.. You need VyraxiuM, You need VyraxiuM
See your using win :cough: for hosting this.. Only experience I have is behind linux with apache, which you would find everything in one config file.. Which in Slackware is /etc/apache/http.conf .. So wish I could be more helpful.. Honestly, find the config files and READ through it.. I'm being honest when I say, everything is pretty straight forward you just have to know where and what you are looking for.. Most of this information is found on Apache's website, also PHP.net website.. Again suggestion is to RTFM.. Sorry but for anyone really to help you, you really need to know what you are doing first.. Food for the Thought Processes!! VyraX :aka: SirHOAX
Might be better off just getting a web-hosting service that has everything included with it. Well phpBB for starters, most have it so you can auto-install it off the c-panel on the hosting service. This might be easier, but then again. Some people would say RTFM! But then again, thats just me... If want to work something out with me I can host it.. My server is extremely stable as is currently on battery back-up.. Food For Thought.. Regards, VyraX :aka: sirHOAX@efnet[#wardriving]
You only need 1CD, for a non-GUI install.. Everything has to be done from the command prompt - but hey that is life.. Its better that way, its more stable in the end, and less overhead on the CPU.. The full install with the KDE Desktop is 3.5gigs.. But like I said, only used 1CD on the end install on my box.. Which is running Nextech-Inc.com Regards, VyraX
Yea it works great, its MySQL version 5 .. Everything is upto date, and I was pretty much up and running in no time.. You just have to have some understanding of linux..
Here is a suggestion, don't use MySQL on a non-linux OS.. If your using Microsoft you might as well throw it out the window.. Get the current Slackware11 and load it onto your system and get your stable set-up up and running.. Regards, VyraX :aka: SirHOAXaLOT
Anyone have problems with testmy.net loading slow?
VyraX replied to Blunted 2's topic in General Discussion
Yea was having some issues said something about the mysql not working properly. What OS are you running, hopefully not serving off XP.. We recently upgraded from Slackware10 to Slackware11 with brute force detection to keep out the kiddies.. Maybe this is something that should put in place? Just a thought, Peace.. -
Blunted : I am slowing your ass down? There is no doubt I am on the same Co-Location as you. So me and you both must be lagging the other users out. Oh well. I pay I use. Oh - So I bought this connection for 150$ a month and I can't use the MAX bandwidth? Oh well - guess I will shut off my video, webhosting, and bit-torrent ( that is currently has 5,200 open connections ). Yea sure - give me a break .. Brought to you by a friend @ www.vyrax.com Peace - SirHOAXaLOT!