Well I have a Bose Companion 3 Computer Speaker system for sale that I purchased about 6 months ago, I bought them for $225 on sale. They are in excellent condition like new. Im looking to get around $150 for them. Give me an offer.
Sometimes when im playing a game or sometimes out of no where my computer will start running at 100% process and start lagging everything my specs are below. If anyone knows of a way to fix this 'problem'. please post. Thanks in advance.
AMD Athlon 3000+
120 out of 160gb free.
Well I have 2 256MB(512MB) DDR 2700 sticks, and my comp has been laggy because I have alot of data stored on my computer.. and my mother board A7N8X-LA is an HP mobo and is locked so I cant really OC it.... so I was wondering if anyone knows of a program or good way to clean memory files? or a program to tweak my mem and make it run a little better. I am going to defrag but it freezes alot at 40% on a DVD file
Well my comp has been pretty laggy latly and I went to defrag but that is going to take about 7 hours but would I notice much of a different with a defraggin?
Ok, well I have 2 HDs install atm C: (110GB) and L: (60GB)... C: previously had a partition for Recovery (5GB) which I didnt need so I deleted it through Partition Magic. So now I would like to combine it back to C: so I have my full 110GB rather than 105GB. But I am not sure how to go about doing this. Thanks in advanced for any help.
Im looking for someone to make me a banner that says "|EcH| East Coast Hustle" ... its for a Counter Strike Source clan I host and I would like a professional looking style banner, thanks guys
For some reason I AM shocked... I have never seen MS try to discriminate a software company for using its software on Windows systems... unless its a IE thing
hmm not too sure, make sure any file transfers are off and read this http://www.testmy.net/topic-2097 and if nothing on there works, might want to call up them cox. GL