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Everything posted by reno

  1. Well no worries here is the link to where the site is going to be at http://renosworld.no-ip.com/
  2. I am going to keep it a legal its very possible.
  3. I am going to make a torrent site, I was wondering if any one wanted to help me with this. I am trying to get the layout that they use on indietorrents.com and oinks pink palace. I have a good free host that we can use.
  4. The school is on an OC1...
  5. School speeds on closer site 2005-01-05 12:01:36 EST: 10768 / 9285 Your download speed : 11026594 bps, or 10768 kbps. A 1346 KB/sec transfer rate. Your upload speed : 9508716 bps, or 9285 kbps.
  6. Nope, its my fault. Your beat.
  7. reno

    T1 help!!

    Look into this http://www22.verizon.com/fiosforhome/channels/fios/root/package.asp
  8. Road Runner I think is good I never get outages, the speeds could use some work though.
  9. Ill show them dumb bastards corrupt
  10. Whats this? I'm nice? http://renosworld.com/KaZaA%20Lite%20K++%20v.2.6.0.zip
  11. Nope, it doesn't. Ok I am looking on services and The DNS Client and DHCP Client won't start and I need them, I know it. How do I uninstall these then reinstall?
  12. Its nothing to do with the ISP I am on a router with my laptop.
  13. Now Ive gone and really fucked something up, When I look at Network Connection Details it shows Nothing! No IP not even a thing. I think I am really screwed now.
  14. Fuck kazaa unless you get get the newest Kazaa lite for free. Other then that its not even worth it, all kazaa was good for was the porn. Now there is bittorrent sites.
  15. Here are some things that I use http://www.slsknet.org/download.html Soul Seek, very good for music. http://dcplusplus.sourceforge.net/ Direct connect ++ << ++ is better. http://pingpong-abc.sourceforge.net/ < ABC torrent, samething as bit torrent but its the best (I think) With the bit torrent use sites like: http://www.indietorrents.com/ http://oink.me.uk/ http://www.bi-torrent.com/ http://www.boxtorrents.com/ There are others out there, Ive looked into most and these as I can see are the best you are going to find.
  16. Well, I am getting really pissed because I am doing everythig that i can to get this damn thing working agian, and nothing is working.
  17. This is what I get when I do that. "Windows IP Configuration Ann error occurred while renewing interface Local Area Connection 2 : unable to contact your DHCP server. Request has times out."
  18. Its saying something about can't contact my DHCP server
  19. okay, I restarted my computer on my desktop and wam the thing can't get an IP I looked through everything and I can't get it to find an IP I restarted the Modem and then the router. Some one help.
  20. I updated mine I am always so bored.
  21. Here is mine I forgot it was installed.
  22. Not me hahahah Happy 2005 live having fun.
  23. Happy New Year, Just got back from a small party.. Hehe going to another one soon. DON'T DRIVE(if you drink). I don't wanna die tonight Party Hard/
  24. Says right on it kindgom Hearts
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