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Everything posted by reno

  1. winamp all the way with the MMD3 skin
  2. 100gigger
  3. I had the same thing happen to me all you have to do is reformat the Slave and then it will show up.
  4. Back when I was a major nOOb I was always messing up the old 133Mzh I would mess that thing up so bad, my uncle would have to reformat almost every week, Now my mom gets on this computer and messes things up so I am thinking that she needs to get the old 133 so she can mess that one up and learn how to fix it.
  5. ive tryed around 12,
  6. okay I wanna bunr something but my CD won't it says there is nothing in the drive, when I put a CD with data on it itll read it... Any idea why it might be doing something like this?
  7. I found this and I am going to get it http://s2.isohunt.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=9900 thats a list of everything that it has with it .. Its got about 3hrs left on the download. its around 2gigs.
  8. Well your not very nice.
  9. http://www.netlimiter.com/index.php have fun I have no idea how to use it
  10. reno

    game disk keys

    Forget that go to http://gamecopyworld.com and search for the game you want and itll give you an alternative loader for your game, you really don't need to have the CD. Make sure you have a popup blocker for this site though its a bitch.
  11. You won't get anymore bandwidth outa it. And it only works with download. I was looking at how it works what it will do is when you have a large download it will use the same amount of speed.
  12. firefox - 2.2 IE - 1.7
  13. Theere is a program where you make a TFTP server so it then you are able to upload your file every time. REH ill get you the site sometime and send it to your PM use it at your own risk.
  14. I stole my Tracfone from walmart
  15. if you have the older moterolas there is a site that give's you alot of info on how to uncap it, there is a config file in your modem and if you can replace that file youll be able to uncap your modem. I do not recommend doing it though I did it with my old modem and they came and took the modem and make me use the newst moterola wich as of right now there unhackable, DO NOT try it I was let off but if I do it agian they said theyd take me to court.
  16. reno


    Your not the first one to say that haha.
  17. reno


    https://testmy.net/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=245 wOOt after my horrible day of some one breaking into my car and stealing both my amps and my subs I just turned 18.
  18. reno

    mah radio

    I don't allow people to upload though So they don't usally mess with people who don't upload, the only thing I upload is things from indietorrents.com and thats because all of it it indiepentent artist that the RIAA don't look for.
  19. It doesn't matter your age if so your parents will get in trouble and with your IP if it got really bad they can just fins out who had that IP. Good luck with this man anyway your in a load of shit and I don't really think there is much that you can do about it. Send back all the stuff and get on your knees and beg to the person that you got the number from.
  20. Clickers on that thing and then click on listen in or what ever, I have no idea how many people it can hold. I play alot of different music IM me on AIM: reno2133 MSN: [email protected] to request a song. Here is a list of my music http://renosworld.com/music.html
  21. Oh come on just because he's going to meet Bubba Butt Flex doesn't mean you need to pick on him. (Just kidding man)
  22. Haha, that was not a very smart thing to do, all i can say is get rid of everything on your computer showing you have them and never do something that stupid agian. And it might come back to get you if the price of the items where really high. Sheesh not smart.
  23. Well I dunno free water but you can change the price to 5cents and you can make the change come out.
  24. If you wanna have a little fun with a coke machine here you go It tells you how to get into a coke machine and get free things and change things. http://forum.nlhiphop.nl/showtopic.php?id=5703 - this little thing works to I tryed it today during school and got some free water.
  25. Google pays you to have it on your site, you get so much money on how many people click the links.
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