Thanks for your opinion Dilatedpeoples2,don't get me wrong,i was not knocking your input on the subject and as tommy said its probably a good product,but knowing my luck i would get it in places it don't belong.while being carfull not to
Alright if you don't want to install Sp2 the try this,go to c:windowsinfpchealth.inf ,right click on the pchealth.inf file choose install. should fix the problem with out installing Sp2
." The Findlaw law dictionary defines entrap as follows: "to cause (a person) to commit a crime by means of undue persuasion, encouragement, or fraud in order to later prosecute."
The above quote is from
Why is it when viewing a thread from the Recent Discussion list,the page defaults to the bottom of the page and you have to scroll back up to the beginning?